Chapter 2: Incredulity

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Why here? ...Why now?

It was early November when I was sent out on a mission, not that much different from the ones I usually did. Kill a certain target and try not to leave any evidence behind. All in a day's work...

This time around I was sent to kill a great merchant that had gained too much fame among the people of his town, for his kindness and unselfishness. But in reality he was just a lowlife making illegal deals with those with Power, which opposed the government itself. He came from the east with his household about a decade ago and established himself here, hidden away from prying eyes for many years. But after years of thorough investigation they found him. He had changed his name and appearance, attempting to shield himself from the governments eyes, trying to prolong the inevitable.

This man sold his products tax free and much cheaper than the governments required price, and upset them deeply, or so I'd heard. Whatever the reason, my mission stipulated that he needed to be annihilated. It didn't matter really. It was my order and I was determined to carry it out flawlessly. Thought it did capture my attention of why the mission was marked, as urgent, and placed above other's that seem to be more important. But whatever. I was not the one that made the rules around here, simply carried them out. Besides, the monster inside of me was dying to see him in pain, feel the fear in his eyes as my blade ended his existence.

I went to his house that same night the order was given, to investigate the surroundings. I presumed it would be an easy kill, so I thought. I believe that I could do more than investigate, so I told my teammates to head home early. Considering it was going to be an infiltration, it was best if we moved in small numbers. So when Devin and Creed agreed to leave, I contacted HQ to tell them that there was a big possibility that their target would be eliminated even before they thought possible. They gave me an ok without further questioning, considering they knew how I worked. My best kills had always been executed when I was working alone. Precision was my biggest ally after all.

I had been observing the Merchant for quite some time even before the government had assigned his mission to us. He seemed to have a peculiar aura around him that captured my attention every now and then. Something about him seem to be off, even if he was trying to blend in with the crowd. I noticed that he carried no weapons with him, no matter where he was going. And the way he used to live such a carefree life seem to be rather intriguing. This mission was going to be rather interesting.

But that was not all. Sometimes when I was keeping an eye on him I notice various soldiers come in and out from his house. Thing is, they did not seem to be undercover around him. I also notice that in their vest they carried the number 6. That meant they where all assigned to that division... The Ghost Division...

Division 6 was a strange group indeed. Barely anyone knew what they worked with, and they seemed to move around the base like shadows. They did not seem to have schedules or working hours, but when they came around they usually came back covered in blood, and acting rather aggressive... vicious even.

I knew there was something off about that group and they way their members usually didn't last too long inside the group. At times all the members disappeared for a while, leaving no trace of their existence. It was as if the earth-itself swallowed them whole. But for such peculiar soldiers to come around this man's place was rather odd.

I wanted to see for myself what he was hiding behind the wooden walls of his shack. Maybe today, if I was lucky, I would learn more, and do more than what I was sent here to do in the first place. But I would think of that later...for now I had work to do...

When I reached his place I made sure no one noticed as I approached the house. I followed him here from his shop back in town. I hid in the shadows as I keep a close eye on him. He never looked back or noticed that I was following him. For a wanted criminal he sure was careless. I entered through the window, quickly but silently like a cat, blending into the shadows of the night and evenly stepping closer to my target.

AwakenedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon