Chapter 81: Decive

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Next morning we made it to HQ as the first rays of sunlight peaked though the sky. Like always our supperiors wanted an inmediete report of what had gone down on our assigment and we where going to give them just that.

Unaware of our little deception the night before, the plan was to act like nothing but the mission had happened and that everything had gone according to plan.

This should be easy. And now that Bianca was safe back at Aziels place i had one less worry in my mind to keep me distracted. Yet i still could not help but worry if she was truly alright. The way she was acting when she heard about me being a Demon, was rather unusual. I was even surprised she knew what a demon was. Maybe the girl knew more than she was letting me on.

Yet that was a worry for an other day. New step now was figuring out what exactly was going on with this boycotted Unit.

Like always in the conference room our suppervisors where waiting for us. Aziel like always was sitting comftably ammong them enjoying his smoke as his eyes trailed our way as we walked into the room. He was in on the plan so this should be rather easy.

We stood in the middle of the room to give the report about our mission.

As i spoke what ever details Yuri had told me the words flowed naturally without much issues. We gathered the drugs, took out any withness and left the place with a bang. After all one thing that being a soldier had taught me, was to be an exelent liar.

Once i spilled all the details i relaxed my stance. Looking directly at the Captain of our unit i gave a nod " and thats all for now sir"

The Captain nodded as his eyes slowly gazed over us. He was probably surprised on how we made it out of that mission alive, and without any casualties.

" If you guys have nothing else to report... you are dismissed till the next assigment " one of the Commanders spoke.

I was about to take my leave with the team when suddently the General rose his palm.

" Not yet i feel there is something more our Belloved Seax should report"

I bit my lip. No.... could he really be on to us ?

" Anything else you need to report Seax" he said coldly eyes glowing in my direction. Something about those eyes, simply did not seem human.

" Nothing of relative importance sir" i said calmly trying to keep my composure.

The Generals eyes slowly trailed towards my comarades , as they suddenly stopped on Devin .

" How about you Blackthron.? Do you have anything to report ? " He said codly his eyes glowing directly his way


{{Devins POV}}

I froze when my named was called. Could this man really be on on what we where doing ..?

No we been extra careful with everything. There was no way he knew anyting unless.... unless someone had ratted us out .

No... nobody would do that ...

If one of us went down it would take down the whole team. So why ... why did i feal my heart beat like it was going to pound out of my chest.

I bit my lip nerviously as i began to fidget with the corner of my shirt

" Well i am waiting Blackthron" He said coldly, as his eyes locked with my own.

For a moment i could not pull away. Those cold was like they had an unexplicable hold on me.

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