12// coincedence

20 1 0


My dad's pulling me to dinner with his new girlfriend and her daughter.

Apparently, she's about my age.

My dad rings the doorbell.

The house seems so familiar

But it can't be.



They don't exist.

We're greeted by a swirl of bright blonde hair and wide smile.

"Hi, ma'am"

"Hello, you must be Matthew. "

" And no need for that 'ma'am' stuff. Call me Lee,"

"Okay, Lee"

"Let's all go take a seat. We'll be served our dinner in a bit."

My dad and I look at each other.


Within mere minutes we're greeted by

Beauty cloaked in a white dress

Beauty cloaked in shyness

Beauty carrying a casserole dish

"Oh," Lee says to my dad "This is Clarity, my step-daughter"

I look up at her and she turns to go back to the kitchen.

"Dad, I'll go help her," I say, nodding at Lee

"Hey" I whisper

"If you're going to help, you should just do that," she looks at me

Lines of fatigue mark her face

She doesn't say another word to me after that.

Then we sit down to eat.

Lee and my dad on one side


Clarity and I, together.

I am filled with



A/N: he's only been to her house once and it was dark out. I imagine it being a neighbourhood that the numbers are on the mailbox and by its position. So he doesn't really remember. Does that even make sense? (Let's pretend it does)

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