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*trigger warning. please say safe and take care of yourselves lovelies*


I open my eyes to a very broken Clarity.

She smells like liquor and her clothes are soaked with blood.

She smiles down at me,

a sad smile,

but a smile, nonetheless.

"You okay?"

She shakes her head.

"I tried calling and texting you last night"

"I'm sorry"

"About what, love?"

She holds her arm out to me.

A deep wound is presented to me.

Blood is on her tongue as well as her hands.

"Why?" I ask, seating her in my lap.

"I don't know. I hate life, I miss how it used to be"

"What was it like? Before?"

"It was beautiful. After mom left and it was just me and my dad, life was amazing. I cherished every single day with him. Then he met Lee. He just wanted me to have a motherly figure, someone to help guide me in life but she despised me. She pretended to like me in front of my dad but behind him. Ha. A whole different story. She'd make sure I felt like shit. She'd yell and hit m-"

"Wait, she put her hands on you?!"

She nods and stares at the ground.

"You can continue if you want, Clar" I whispered.

She breathed in.

"So, she'd do all these things. Then sometimes, she would secretly have guys over and they would touch me"

My fingers curled into fists but I let her continue.

"Then we found out my dad had cancer. Lee pretended to be sad but I saw her smiling and making phone calls to banks. Then, eventually the cancer spread to his brain and he couldn't fight any longer. Lee was out every night and always snuck in a new guy. I hated everything. I hardly ate and started to drink, smoke. It still hurts so much, Matty."

"You know what, Clarity?"


"You're such an angel. I love you"

"Love you too"

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