19// so cool

13 1 0

I look at up at him.

And lean in to meet his soft lips.

I begin to unbutton his shirt.

He slips it off.

For a second I admire the tattoo situated in the middle of his chest,

I clear all negative thoughts from my mind and decide to ask him another time.

There is one protruding from the waist of his pants.

I realize that his left arm is sprinkled with them.

My eyes have never graced with such
beautiful marks.

I push him back onto the bed and slip my dress off.

I'm left in shorts and my bra.

My breath catches in my throat.

I know he is staring at my thin body.

"Babe, you look so cool ," he says

I sigh.

I feel the truth in his lips.

The lips that travel further down my body,

That create beautiful marks of affection.

He looks at me once again for approval.

My hands seem to lead themselves toward his skinny jeans.

I undo the button

Then I become a raging fire of


I stop myself

Lay by his side

"I'm sorry, I just can't"

"Babe, in time it will happen".

I feel strangely at home

In his arms

As tears fall from my eyes.
A/N I know Matty didn't get his all tats at 17 but, I just decided to incorporate recent elements of his body :)
Also, I imagine them going to a school that wears sweaters unless it's summer and long sleeved shirts then. So she's never really seen his tattoos)

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