chapter 6

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ok guys here is the next chappy!!!! I hope you enjoy!!!!

So with out further delay!!!! Here it is!!!!

"Jimmy I swear to fucking god, if you hit me with that fly swatter one more time. I am going to break it and then throw you out the window" Brian breath out heavily, glaring at Jimmy through the rearview mirror.

Jimmy just smiled at him, acting all nonchalant. But as soon as Brian's eyes focused back on the road. Jimmy inched his pink fly swatter closer and closer to his head. Everyone of us in the back, were trying to contain our laughter the best we could.

With one quick motion, Jimmy slapped Brian upside the head with the swatter. Causing Brian to swerve a bit.

"that's it!!" he reached back blindly, yanking the fly swatter away from Jimmy. "you aren't getting that back till we get to Vegas!"

We all were laughing so hard, I was almost in tears. But jimmy's face feel to a frown quickly.

Since Johnny was riding shot gun, in the middle row was midge, Jimmy and I. Jimmy being in the middle. While Matt, Zacky, vanessa and Wednesday were crushed into the back seat.

As we sat there, midge rummaged around threw her bag looking for something.

"I knew this would happen" she chuckled and she pulled out another fly swatter giving it to Jimmy. Making his face light up like Christmas morning.

"short shit!!" Jimmy yelled and Johnny quickly looked back, getting smacked right in the face.

"wait... How? Where?" he pointed to the new fly swatter in jimmy's hand.

"Midge" the rest of us laughed.

"why must you egg him on" Brian sighed looking at midge threw the rear view mirror.

"Cause he's jimbo, and I love him" she smirked giving Jimmy a quick kiss.

My gaze went forward, trying not to watch them. As I did my face scrunched up and made Johnny laugh.

The rest of the car ride was entertaining to say the least. Jimmy was gracing us with his beautiful singing voice, when any kind of good music popped up on the radio.

Halfway to Vegas we stopped and switched positions. Matt drove and Brian was shot gun. While midge, Jimmy, Johnny and me were pushed to the back.

"earth to linds?" I took my fixed gaze off the desolate landscape, to look at Johnny.

"yeah?" I smiled

"hand it over it's your turn" I watched Jimmy lean towards us a big grin spreading across his face.

"yep pass it up" Vanessa smirked.

"pass what up?" I raised my eyebrow being completely confused.

"your iPod duh!!! Pick the most random song you own and pass it up" Brian chuckled at us.

"oh well I'm going to warn you I have this one really freaky song" I laughed, scrolling down to find it.

I handed it up to Brian, and he looked at it raising his eyebrow.

"French really?" I shrugged. "ok, what ever"

As soon as he plugged it in, the upbeat tempo made Jimmy start bouncing in his seat.

"what the fuck is it!!! Its so catchy" Matt laughed bobbing his head up and down "it's not metal but it's strange"

"its Ça plane Pour moi" I laughed.

As the song played, I set back closing my eyes just listening. This urge came over my body as I sat there, it made me feel completely sick. I took one deep breath then opened my eyes.

Johnny was staring at me, completely concerned.

"you ok?" he leaned in whispering in my ear. His hoy breath sending shivers all over my body.

I nodded and gave him a small smile. Surprisingly he took that as a good enough answer, probably due to the fact we were all crammed together. So he settled with just taking my hand lacing our fingers together.

"ohhhhh who is the band called avenged sevenfold? And how the fuck do you have our..... Their music" Brian quickly turned around staring at me.

Everyone started laughing like it was so kind of joke, but Brian looked completely serious.

"um just a band my cousin has seen, she got me their first two albums. They are really good actually" I smiled, and I watched Wednesday almost choke on her own spit.

"oh they're good alright" she laughed.

"have you ever seen then live?" I asked looking around the van. Everyone looked like they were going to die of laughter. For what reason I have no idea.

"Yes I have!!!!" Jimmy bounced up raising his hand in the air. As he did he slammed his head into the metal roof. "the drummer is a sexy stud muffin" he winked.

"I heard the bassist is a douche bag" Zacky turned around and stared right at Johnny.

"very funny" Johnny rolled his eyes, squeezing my hand a bit.

I knew these guys were in a band, but frankly I never had time to go out and watch them practice. All I knew was that Johnny played the bass, Jimmy played drums, both Zacky and Brian were guitarist and Matt was their singer. Other then that, I never really took time out to ask them about their band.

"people would you shut up and divert your attention to the left!!!" Matt yelled pointing with his hand, almost smacking Brian.

As well all looked over, the big welcome to las Vegas sign passed by our windows.

The realization started to hit me, that this might be a good idea,

about that time. Drugs, alcohol and loud music!!! Instant death for me, but what the hell, I'm going to die anyways.

Shaking off the thought, I started cheering with everyone else. As my eyes found Johnny, he was staring at me. I knew he was going to be uptight about this whole situation. But he really couldn't say anything since no one but him knew.

Thankfully I didn't tell him the whole story, or he probably wouldn't have asked me to even go with them.

Giving him the biggest smile I could, I leaned down pressing my lips quick to his, pulling away just as fast.

"Yuck!!! Yucky, she has to be disinfected from short shit germs now!!" Jimmy screamed still being all excited. Midge was trying to calm him down, but once Jimmy started it never really went away.

I laughed but my face fell, seeing Johnny looking at me. I couldn't read his face that well, it was almost a mixture of confused, disgusts, and shocked.

Avoiding this disastrous outcome, I quickly turned my body so I was looking at the window. I watched the numerous hotels and casinos pass by. I also watched Johnny, the dim reflection in the glass still held his shocked face.

I sighed and tried my best not to look at that. Everyone else went back to talking and in jimmy's case singing.

Maybe this wasn't the best idea on my part..... Maybe I should've just stayed at school.

"Oh bye the way Brian!" Jimmy laughed "we are in Vegas now" even with out looking I knew Jimmy was holding his hand out wanting the fly swatter Brian took from him earlier.

"fine here you go, just don't hit me with it" I turned seeing Brian pass the swatter back.

As soon as Jimmy got it, he smacked Zacky upside the head.

"hey he said not to hit anybody!!" Zacky turned around glaring at him.

"no, he said not to hit him, your all fair game" I smiled seeing Jimmy giving us all evil glares.

I shook my head laughing a bit, hopefully I can keep some distance from Johnny this weekend. I'm sure that kiss, wasn't the best thing for him.

Nowhere to run and hide, when you're living to die. (Johnny Christ)Where stories live. Discover now