Chapter 15

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Sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoy this chap :)

So without further delay! Here's the next Chapter!!!!!!

I've never seen Johnny jump up to his feet so fast in my life. He was up and out of the bed like it was on fire. If this was any other circumstance I would have laughed, but I didn't dare do that. Johnny was probably already terrified of the situation.

"Hi... Um... Linds' mom and dad" he stuttered as he stumbled back into the couch next to the bed.

"Can we talk to you Lindsey... Alone" my father gritted through his teeth as his eyes glared at Johnny.

I looked over at Johnny who was gathering his things as fast as he could possible go. His hands trembling as he gave me a smile. A smile that told me he would be waiting outside for when my parents were finished. But with out any words he quickly walked to the door, leaving us in silence.

I sat in the bed staring at my parents for what seemed like forever. The only thing making noise was the clock on the farthest wall. The ticking seemed to echo through the tiny room making time stand still as my parents glared at me.

"We send you out here to go to school an you are with a boy!" my father finally shouted raising his arms in the air.

"Dad he's my friend" I quietly tried to defend Johnny.

"Boys aren't friends, he has one thing on his mind and that's probably getting into your pants!" he seized as he started to pace back and forth, leaving my mother just shaking her head. "Did you see his tattoos!?"

"Dad please, stop this. Johnny is my friend" I pleaded, sitting up in the bed.

"Please Linds save it. He's probably already gotten what he wanted from you" he turned looking at me, his hand running down his face. "Not to mention you shouldn't even be having sex with your heart condition"

"Dad! I'm not having sex god!" my cheeks burned bright red just talking about this subject. Johnny and I had not even made out properly, I fucking almost dead before we even started. So yes the logical reason would be, I had sex with Johnny and I'm still standing. But one kiss and I'm a goner.

"Oh my god, you're pregnant aren't you. That's why you called us out here to pick you up" my mother anxiously said, her eyes full of fear.

"Jesus will you stop for five seconds!" I yelled, tired of them jumping to conclusions. "I'm not having sex, I'm not pregnant and Johnny is my friend and he's a damn good friend too"

"Am I interrupting anything?" a voice brought all of us back into the normal world.

The doctor stood at the door, clip board in his hand as he watched us. A semi amused smile pulled across his face. He was enjoying this little conversation, but frankly I was glad he stopped it.

"No you aren't, we were just getting ready to bring her home" my dad calmly stated.

"I really don't think that's the best idea" the doctor said as he stepped farther into the room. He motioned for my parents to sit, making the search around the room for an available seat.

"Why not?" my dad bluntly asked, evidently still mad from the conversation.

"The way things look, she doesn't have more then a couple months at most. Adding onto the fact that a heart hasn't come up for use that has match her perfectly. It might just be best to let her live what life she has left." surprisingly his words didn't even shock me in the least.

"Well she called, so we are taking her back" my mother whimpered as tears started to slide down her cheeks.

"Are you driving her back? Cause she won't make a plane ride, to high of an altitude." he sighed running a hand through his hair, even though it was covered by a blue hospital cap.

My mother broke out in hysterics after the last sentence. My father quickly pulled her closer and looked over at me.

"Why do we go set you two up with a grief consoler?" the doctor said as he stood up taking a hold of my mothers hand.

"What about my daughter?" she slurred between breaths.

"I think Linds has prepared herself for this day a long time ago. So don't worry about her" he motioned for my parents to leave the room and I gave him a thankful smile.

It's true, I've known this day was going to come sooner or later. So there is no need to break down. My mother lives in denial, but who wouldn't if their child was going to die before them.

"Hey" my head lifted up only to see Johnny standing there, his foot scrapping across the floor.

"Come here" I smiled and patted the spot next to me on the bed.

A smile pulled onto his lips and he quickly joined me. His arm wrapped around my shoulder as his head buried itself against crook of my neck.

"I heard what they said" he finally whispered against the flesh of my neck, causing my body to shiver.

"What? That we had sex? It's news to me too" I laughed trying to lighten his mood.

"Sex?" he pulled away raising an eyebrow. "There is no way in hell that is happening. I almost killed you with one kiss, it's obvious you can't handle my good looks. So sex is off the table" he chuckled.

"Your good looks? Really Johnny" I smirked.

"Hey what can I say, I'm hot"

"Get your head out of the clouds" I smacked his shoulder gently.

I watched as he just sat there smiling, his eyes looking me over. His hand found mine, lacing our fingers together.

"I promise, we will have the best time of your life" he finally said, his voice thick with worry. I could tell the mood had defiantly shifted.

"You don't need to promise Johnny, I know we will" I smiled and leaned over kissing his lips softly.

He pulled away, looking at the monitors. When he figured that nothing bad was going to happen, his lips found mine again. This time rougher.

I know that what ever time I have left, if I get to spend it with Johnny and the guys, I knew it was going to be amazing.

"No looking back Johnny, we live as if we'll die tomorrow" I said against his lips.

His brown eyes looked into mine, letting me know he was listening.

"We live for today" he whispered, before his lips found mine again.

Nowhere to run and hide, when you're living to die. (Johnny Christ)Where stories live. Discover now