Chapter 12

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sorry it's been a while but I've been beyound busy, but I'm off for thanksgiving so I'm hoping to upload a lot hopefully!!!

So I hope you enjoy!!!

Without further delay!!!! Here it is!!!!


~Johnny's POV~

"son we're going to need you to step back" the paramedic yelled as he gripped onto my arm.

I slowly peeled my tear filled eyes away from linds' to look at him. I couldn't leave her, I just couldn't.

"move!" he finally pushed me away from her.

I stumbled over by the television, my hands quickly rubbing my face. My eyes frantically searching to see if she was getting any better.

"did she take anything? Drugs? Alcohol? Whats her name son?" another paramedic asked, as I watched them place linds on the ground.

"N-No she doesn't do any of that. She... She has a heart problem" I stuttered, my heart speeding up when I saw the guy rip open her shirt. "Her... Her name is lindsey"

"I don't have a heart beat, give me the stickies" I felt my knees go weak when the guy shouted that.

I stared as they pulled out two sticky pads and placed them on her chest. She looked so peaceful though, it didn't look like she was in pain.

"Clear!" I watched as her body jolted up, and the paramedic placed his fingers against her neck.

"Nothing, shock again" he shouted.

"Clear" I watched her body jolt up again. My eyes filling with even more tears.

" Lindsey, you need to stay with us, if you don't we can't help you. Come on sweetie, it's not your time yet". He hushed to her.

Did I do this to her..... What if I killed her? I wouldn't ever be able to live with myself.

"We got a faint heart beat. Let's move her to the ambulance." the paramedics picked her up easily sliding her onto the stretcher.

They popped it up and quickly rushed her out of my house.

I followed closely behind them, my body shaking. When we reached outside, they carefully slid her into the back of the ambulance. I ran up behind it, hoping they would let me ride with her.

"Are you her family son?" he asked quickly

"No... I'm her boyfriend." I said shaking my head.

"we can't let you ride, so meet us at Huntington emergency." he quickly said again, before jumping into the back and slamming the door.

I stood there, just staring at the ambulance as it pulled out of the driveway. The lights and sirens illuminating the dimly lit neighborhood.

I watched as the ambulance slowly disappeared out of sight. That's when I shook off my tears and ran straight back to the house.

I slid into the hallway grabbing my keys off the side table. Turning back around I ran back outside, jumping over the steps and right towards my car.

As I yanked open the car door, I quickly slid in. I shoved my keys in the ignition and, put the car in reverse.

Pulling out I drove as fast as I could towards the hospital. The music was blaring, but I didn't do anything about it. Frankly the loud noise kept my growing thoughts and concerns down, since it didn't give me a chance to concentrate.

That's when I remembered something that would possibly be able to save her.


Rushing up the stairs of the dorm building, I finally made it to the fifth floor. Running down the hallway, I could see the door to her room.

I was just hoping someone was there to open it. Or I might have to break it down.

Knocking violently on the door, my feet tapped impatiently against the floor. I didn't fucking have time for this. I didn't really have time to be here to get this, but if it could help I needed to do this.

Deciding i couldn't wait any longer i grabbed the door handle and barged in. In the process I hit someone with the edge of the door, but I didn't really care enough to see who it was.

"Jesus Christ Johnny!" Jimmy yelled from behind me.

"Johnny? Hey, why are you here? I thought you were with linds'?" I heard midge ask, but I shook off all of their comments.

The tears were welling in my eyes again, and I couldn't stop them.

My feet carried me over to her side of the room. I had no idea where to even fucking begin and time was ticking. What if I didn't get back in time..... What if they couldn't save her.

Shaking my head of those heart wrenching thoughts, I continued my search for her back pack.

"Johnny, man? What are you doing?" Jimmy voice held concern, and his hand gently fell on my shoulder.

Finally giving up, my hands covered my face as I turned around. The tears now falling down my cheeks and I just broke down in front of them. Dropping to my knees, I finally let myself cry.

"Jesus Johnny, what's wrong?" midge's voice was quiet as I felt her kneel down next to me. But when I tried to tell her, nothing came out but a few muffled cries."Johnny just calm down, and tell us"

I finally looked up at her, knowing I had to just do this, to get to linds'.

"I...I...I need her back pack" I stuttered looking between her and Jimmy. Their eyebrows raised in confusion, but midge got up.

I watched as she walked over to the closet, and lifted up the hamper. Right there it was, lindsey's back pack. Midge grabbed it and walked back over and placed it down in front of me.

Before I even thanked her, my hands opened the front pocket searching for the pills that he needed. When I finally felt the small bottle hit my fingers, I pulled it out.

Looking it over, I saw little blue pills. Not the red ones I knew she takes more often.

"Fuck!!" I screamed throwing the bottle back in the bag. My hands going to my hair tugging on my hair.

"J-Johnny if linds' needs pills, maybe you shouldn't bring them to her. Maybe she needs help" Jimmy finally said, but I just looked up at him shaking my head.

"You don't understand! She needs them Jimmy, her heart. She has a bad heart." I shakily yelled, desperately trying to stand up.

"Here heart? What? Fuck I'm so confused?" midge looked at Jimmy as I grabbed the bag of the ground, deciding just to bring the whole thing.

"Her heart is bad, the ambulance came and got her tonight, and I don't know! I need to go to the hospital!" I ran for the door, leaving both of them looking dumbfounded.

"wait! We are coming with you" I heard them yell after me as I made my way down the hall.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, passing Wednesday, Vanessa, Zacky and Brian on the way. Brushing right by them, and ignoring their distant calls, as I hopped down the stairs, two at a time.

Busting through the doors I ran into the parking lot, dodging all of the drunks in Halloween costumes. I didn't fucking have time, to deal with any of this shit, and it was starting to piss me the fuck off.

After what seemed like ages I made it to my car. Before sliding in, Brian yelled at me, making me turn back.

"Where is she?!" he yelled again.

"Huntington emergency!" I shouted, trying to keep myself pulled together. Even though I was finding it a difficult task, because tears were still threatening to escape.

"We'll meet you there, ok!" I nodded and watched Brian and the others run off. Probably going to his car.

I turned back, sliding into the drivers seat, placing her bag in the passenger seat. Starting the engine, I pulled out of the school, and drove straight for the hospital, not looking back.

Nowhere to run and hide, when you're living to die. (Johnny Christ)Where stories live. Discover now