Chapter 14

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hope you guys enjoy, sorry for the delay D:

So without further delay!!!! Here it is!!!!!!


I fumbled around slowly, as I pulled on my jeans. It was still dark outside, but I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole.

Being trapped in a hospital for three days, where no one would leave you alone for more then five seconds, gets really old.

My parents had shown up yesterday night. It was the earliest that their jobs would let them take off. Anyways they we had to get my stuff from school tomorrow, so they had to arrange for extra time off.

After what felt like ages, I pulled my shirt over my head, trying to ignore the searing pain in my sides. Heaving a little sigh, I sat down on the hard bed. My eyes darting to my phone that was sat at the end.

Deciding against my better judgement, I reached out and grabbed it. Not being at all surprised seeing over twenty missed calls and countless texts.

Flipping my phone closed, I dropped it into my bag. Trying to ignore who the calls were from. If I gave in and texted back or called, my self control would crumble and I wouldn't be able to leave.

So instead I curled up on the bed, my face deep into my pillow. As I cried softly to myself.


"Would you just let me fucking see her!!!!!" my face pulled out of my pillow as I heard a familiar voice yell. "You haven't even told me if she is ok!!"

My heart fell, hearing the worry and concern in his voice.

"Fuck you! Let me go!" his voice was getting more and more frantic as the seconds ticked by.

Tears started to well in my eyes as I pulled my knees against my chest. I couldn't handle what his voice was doing to me.

That's when I heard heavy footsteps running down my hall. My body started to shake and I hide my head against My knees.

"Linds'!!! Lindsey!!!" the door bursted open and I heard feet sliding into the room.

I never looked up, I kept my head down and pressed against my knees. I couldn't look up at him, I was to nervous and scared.

"Linds' oh god" I heard him breath out a sigh of relief. His footsteps getting closer to the bed. " why the fuck have you been ignoring my calls Linds? You could have at least fucking called to say you were alive and breathing"

As I heard his voice, I just broke down. I tried my hardest, not to cry loud enough for Johnny to hear. But as I sat there, a small whimper escaped my lips, which had Johnny hovering over me instantly.

"Baby are you ok? Does it hurt? Do I need to call the nurse?" he frantically asked, his voice full of worry and concern.

"Please.... Please just go Johnny" I stuttered, as I ignored all of his questions.

"why? Did I do something?" his voice was raspy, causing me to look up at him through my watery eyes.

I saw Johnny standing there, his hair messy, his clothes disheveled and dark rings under his eyes. Most likely being from the lack of sleep he's had.

"you didn't do anything Johnny." my heart broke as I watch a tear slowly slide down his cheek.

"Then tell me, why haven't you called?" his hands placed onto the bed as his eyes pleaded with mine for an answer.

Sitting their quietly I tried racking my brain for a answer that wouldn't crush Johnny. But either way, I think he'll hate me if I leave. In a way it would be better if he heated me, its less feelings keeping here.

"cause I'm leaving Johnny, I'm going back to new york" I Finally just spit out what I was thinking.

I watched as he stood there, opening and closing his mouth almost like I made him speechless. I couldn't watch him break down, so I laid down on the hospital bed. Turning my body away from his so he couldn't see me crying.

After a few moments I felt the bed dip down, and a warm body press up against my back. I heaved a little sigh as a comforting feeling spread through my body. His warmth just made my body calm.

We laid in silence, his hand finding mine lacing our fingers together.

"you don't deserve this Johnny. You don't deserve to worry, no one does. That's why I'm going" I spoke softly, but I knew he heard me.

"baby, don't say that" he whispered into my ear, as he slowly and gently turned my body so I was facing him.

His brown eyes locked onto mine, as his lips moved closer. Even though I knew I shouldn't, I had to kiss him. So I crushed my lips to his, fast.

When he finally pulled away, his hand gently cupped my checks and his thumb grazed my jaw line.

"I....I love you Linds" he smiled as he whispered those words. Words that made my heart beat faster.

"I love you too Johnny, so much" I smiled a pushed my lips back onto his.

We laid there kissing each other for the longest time. we were so engrossed with each other, that I never even heard the door open.

"Lindsey Anne!" I left Johnny's lips fast, only to be greater by my parents stares.

Fucking hell, why do these things have to happen to me.

"mom, dad. This is um.... Johnny"

Nowhere to run and hide, when you're living to die. (Johnny Christ)Where stories live. Discover now