Chapter 9

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ok here is the next chappy for Johnny XD I hope you like it!

So without further delay!!!!! Here it is!!!!!


My eyes fluttered open, seeing light shining in from behind the dark curtain. I laid there keeping still, since I felt like shit.

I don't even remember what time I fell asleep because frankly I didn't think I would be able to.

I felt warm arms around my waist as I shifted a bit under the covers. Johnny must have stayed in bed with me all night. I don't know why..... He desperately tried to get me to talk and all I did was lay there in my own world trying to ignore what he was asking.

I guess I wasn't use to someone other then my parents caring about me. I know Johnny only likes me as a friend.... But he still shows that he actually cares.

Finally giving into the fact I wasn't going to fall back asleep. I gently shifted myself away from Johnny's arms. But as I did they gripped me tighter, pulling me back down.

"dont go please" his voice was groggy as he pressed his head against my neck.

Sighing I laid my head back down on the pillow. I kept quiet, hoping he would fall back asleep. So I could get up and out of bed.

"please say something....." I heard the worry that carried through his voice. I still didn't know what to say to him.

"how long have you known?" he tried to turn me around so I was facing him, but I made that a difficult task.

"two months" I whispered quietly

"why.... Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. His face now buried closer to my neck.

"Johnny you didn't need to know I'm dying." I chuckled softly.

He went silent as we laid there. I'm assuming he didn't know what to say to that. Most people didn't.

"Johnny I've lived with this all my life. I'm already over the fact I'm going to die. It's been in my vocabulary since I was five." I gently turned in his arms, so I was facing him now.

"five?" his eyes burned into mine.

"I was born with it, but after they went in and tried to fix it, my parents just decided to tell me." I shrugged.

"they didn't fix it?"

"no the made it worse actually. That's why I take those pills. They just bide me time, against the inevitable I guess." it pained me to see his face grow angry.

"do you have a scar?" his hand out stretch and placed against my chest.

"yeah I do" I nodded but his hand never left my chest.

Given the intent look he was giving me he probably wanted to see the damage. I sat up pulling off my sweatshirt, leaving me in a tank top. The reddish tint of the top of my scar, that laid a quarter of the way down my chest now extremely visible.

"did it hurt?" he eyes finally pulled up from the scar to look at me.

"I don't remember, I was to young" I shrugged. "Johnny I'm just trying to enjoy what time I have left, that's all"

His eyes filled with rage as he slammed his fist down onto the bed. I've never seen him like this, so it had me a little nervous.

"god, here I am trying to kill you by bringing you to Vegas" he shook his head, almost in disgust.

"hey, I had fun" I smiled at him, trying to get him to smile. "I mean it's not every day you find Zacky passed out on a poker table"

"I should have taken care of you better linds it's no excuse" I was taken aback by what just left his lips.

Nowhere to run and hide, when you're living to die. (Johnny Christ)Where stories live. Discover now