Chapter 13

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ok here is the next chappy for you all!!!!

So with out further delay!!!!! Here it is!!!!!


~Johnny's POV~

I paced back and forth in the waiting room. They wouldn't let me back there, and they wouldn't let me know if she was ok.

They said since I wasn't family, they couldn't tell me. What kind of bull shit is that!!! I'm her fucking boyfriend I have a right to know, what the fuck is going on!!!

"Johnny, please calm down" Wednesday said as she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her, the feeling comforted me greatly. But the deep pain in my chest was growing. Mainly because I didn't even know if linds' was ok.

"Thanks wednesday" I pulled away giving her a smile, but It wasn't a real smile and she knew it.

"Johnny, why didn't she tell us earlier" she asked looking into my eyes.

Shuffling my feet on the floor I diverted my gaze for a second. Bringing my eyes back up, I grabbed her hand and pulled her around the corner, where we could talk without being interrupted.

As we stood there in silence for a few minutes, I racked my brain, searching for a half way decent answer to tell her.

"Well?" she finally broke the silence.

Sighing, I gave up with finding a way to tell her. So I just started with what popped into my head.

"she didn't want you to know, because she just wanted to be treated like a normal teenager. She knew as soon as you all found out, you'd treat her differently." my eyes shut as I told her, thinking about this.

"how come she told you then?" Wednesday seemed baffled by this, but how I found out was an accident. "I mean you treated her like crap, when she got here"

"I found out by accident. The night at the party I went in the house, caught her with her pills. She was so shaky they spilled all over. I got a look at the bottle and found out what they were for." I shrugged just telling her the truth. But Wednesday cocked her eyebrow and glared at me.

"Johnny are you with her maybe because you feel guilty for treating her like shit. After you found out she had a problem?" she glared at me still.

I just stared at her, the words she spoke echoing through my head. I didn't even think about it like that. But I knew that it wasn't like that. I knew that I liked her before I found out she had a heart problem. I just didn't want to admit it to myself and took it out on her.

"no wed, I like her and care about her..... Because I love her"

~Linds' POV~

My eyes slowly opened hearing a low annoying beep. The pain that consumed my body was unbearable, but I sucked it up and slid my body so I was sitting up.

I looked around the room, taking in the appearance. From the dull wallpaper, to the chair rails and the tv above the bed. I knew exactly where I was.

Feeling sick with myself I stared out the window and I could just see the sun coming up.

Leaning back, I sighed.

I couldn't remember anything that happened last night. Well at least what got me here. The last thing I remember was kissing Johnny. Which made me feel on cloud nine.

Now he probably just wants to stay away, and I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to deal with this, and frankly he didn't deserve it either.

"Fuck!" I cried out, placing my hands against my head.

I don't think I could leave Johnny.... But if it was going to save him, from a life time of heart ache. Then maybe I should just go home.

Turning my head I found my cell phone on the side table. Swallowing the growing pain in my heart, I picked it up.

Quickly, I typed in the familiar number. As I waited for them to pick up, I pulled my hospital gown out, to see the damage.

Staring down I saw two fairly good sized burn marks, which were probably from a defibrillator. My stomach lurched forward in absolute horror.

My hand started to tremble and the phone fell out of my hand. Johnny..... Johnny must have saw them use it. This is exactly why I need to leave. He didn't need to see that, to see me die in front of him. I'd be selfish just by staying.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as, I let the gown fall flat against me again.

Reaching for my phone again, I held it up to my ear.

"Jesus Lindsey Anne! Answer me god admit." I heard my dad yell.

"Dad?" I spoke, my voice was raspy, but I knew he heard me.

"what happened? They called and said you went into cardiac arrest and fucking flat lined!!" I knew he was getting emotionally upset, because it sounded like he was about to burst into tears.

"Dad.... They told me, with out a heart valve transplant, I'm going to die. This is just one of the signs, I guess" I spoke softly, trying not to cry myself.

The phone line went silent for a few seconds before a quiet cry emanated from the other end.

"Why....why didn't you tell us Lindsey! We are your parents for crying out loud" he stuttered as his crying increased.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to worry you any more." I frowned, even though he couldn't see.

"Lindsey, I'm your father I'll always be worried. No matter what" he sullenly muttered.

"I know that now. It was stupid of me to come here dad. I was trying to hide, but really I'm just living to die now. There's no point in being a teenager, living a normal life. Especially if Im just going to die" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Don't say that..... Please. I hate when you talk like this linds'" I heard my mothers soft sigh, so I knew she was listening in.

"It's the truth dad..... The truth hurts. I want to come home, just pull me out of school. There's no point in staying here anymore" tears started welling up in my eyes, thinking about leaving my friends and Johnny.

"ok honey, we'll come get you. Rest up for now, we love you."

"thanks dad, bye" I waited for the other end to cut out, before I hung up.

Throwing the phone on the floor, I finally succumbed to my emotions. The tears streamed down my cheeks as I pulled my knees to my chest.

My heart ached just thinking about losing Johnny. But I knew it was the right thing to do.

Nowhere to run and hide, when you're living to die. (Johnny Christ)Where stories live. Discover now