Chapter One.

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I climbed down from Thorn’s back, it had been a long day and it wasn’t going to be finished for me for another few hours, after a friendly chat with Galbatorix and probably an argument or two with him and the other elders. All I wanted to do was fly home right now and stay there for at least a month, no disturbances and no fighting. But I wouldn’t be making it home now for at least another week, now I’m in his clutches again I’m not going to be getting out so easily.

“Murtagh?!” a voice called and I span on my heel just in enough time to catch Aénor as she flung herself into my arms. “When did you get here? What are you doing here? Are you staying here?” she asked in rapid succession patting me down to make sure I was real and all in one piece.

“Minutes ago, to talk to Galbatorix and not if I can help it.” I laughed as she fell into step beside me frowning. “What are you doing here anyway? You don’t live in the castle.”

“I do now, Mother died and well Durza took me on as a maid before he got killed. Fatherly duty and all that.” she sighed running a hand subconsciously through her red hair, so like her father’s. 

“I’m sorry Nore.” I sighed gripping her shoulder tightly. “Your mum was always good to me.”

“She loved you more than she did Me.” she snorted laughing. “You’ve grown at least a foot taller.”

“Yeah suppose I have.” I shrugged as we passed a few guards who glared at me.

“Harder too, hell I nearly winded myself.” She laughed obviously happy to see me.

“I’ll see you round yeah?” I asked looking down at her as we reached the large doors to his room.

She stopped jabbering and suddenly turned silent as she nodded, “I’ll get your room ready and see to Thorn.”

“Thanks Nore.” I smiled as I walked through the huge doors to meet my Lord and Master.

Hours later I was finally allowed to leave Galbatorix’s room. I had to go and train the newer soldiers, they were to be his new secret weapon a little like paratroopers; they were to be trained in magic and basic skills. In other words, it would be months until I would be allowed any rest or allowed home. It was too far away from here for them to be taken.

Not that I wanted them there anyway.

My home is my sanctuary, nothing bad happens there. The gardens are kept just as mother left them, all memories of my father removed and replaced with those of her, and new ones of peace and safety.

I’d just be given a bog standard room here, bare walls, simple bed probably one where the servants stayed. I pushed open the kitchen door and saw just who I needed Aénor was sat beside the fire drying sheets of material and humming a song to herself.

She always hummed the same song, it must have words but she never sang them, always simply the tune. I watched as she picked up the glowing embers and made them dance above her hand as her eyes dipped shut with tiredness.

“Long day?” I asked stepping into the room and leaning against the table.

“Yeah, I’m the bitch of the serving staff.” She laughed rubbing her eyes as the embers danced about the room before yawning. “Can’t use magic, I’ve been banned.”

“Shame.” I sighed flicking my wrist and drying the sheets for her, “I need you to show me to my new room.”

“It’s a good job you came here first, these are your sheets.” She grinned, “Alyce wouldn’t let me use the washer before her to do your sheets. She wants me to get in some deep shit.”


He laughed humourlessly as I quickly folded the sheets and lead him out of the kitchen and up some stairs. You know how in your mind you remember a person and embroider their personality so much they become a completely different person, well I’d done that to Murtagh.

I can’t believe I hugged him earlier, I was just so excited to see him again after so many years and god he was more handsome than ever. But I’m still little Aénor, who he used to look after when my mother was working. He was always polite to me, why had I confused that with anything else?

“So how long have you been working here?” he asked as we walked in silence.

“Nearly two years.” I shrugged not being able to keep back the smile. “How long has it been since we last saw each other?”

“Four years maybe more.” He shrugged pushing his hair back from his face.

It should be illegal to be so handsome, so rugged. He was everything I’d ever liked in men all on one person; he should be locked up and kept away from all women.

“Here you go.” I smiled stepping into the room before him and spreading the sheets over the large mattress before folding back his duvet.

He stood against the large doorframe watching me work; I stood up and sent a look at him. “What?”

“You’re the one staring.” I stated frowning and folding my arms and he chuckled and pulled at my hair.

“Still the same old Aénor always hated it when I didn’t tell you what I was thinking.” He sighed pushing me towards the door. “Goodnight Nore, get some sleep I’m sure you’ll have to get up early to get me breakfast.”

“Night Murtagh.” I sighed walking away from him; I hated what he did to me.

I felt like a child again when he spoke to me like that, and I really didn’t need that. Careen and Alyce already made me feel pathetic and childish as they flirted with the soldiers and guards while shouting orders for me to feed them.

I am small I suppose, they probably think I’m younger than I am but for Christ sake I am not a child!

I crawled onto my thin mattress as I yawned heavily; I had a small room to myself. Being the daughter of Durza had one advantage, my own room, my own haven. I hide here when things get too hard, when I need to get away from the bitchiness of the kitchens.

Tomorrow I would be my normal self, will try not to swoon over Murtagh, not to be too giggly and childish. I would do my chores, ignore him as best as I can and just come back here and finish my stories.

But now, I need sleep I’m so damn tired and so embarrassed by myself. 


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