Chapter Two

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I plaited back my long red hair and rubbed the sleep from my eyes with the little water left on my bed stand from the night before. I hated breakfast duty, I thought I’d get used to it but it never quite happened and after two years I doubt I will.

I glided down the stairs, sitting on the banister for ease. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner, me and stairs in the morning do not mix I’ve fallen down them far too often. I stopped at the large window that overlooked the city; hell was starting to break loose. I’m sorry not hell, daily life. I’m lucky being here, I would have been forced to marry to keep a roof over my head.

I’m not wife material.

I counted the different colours in the sunrise, there weren’t that many today, in the summer the skies went from dark blue to light blue with only a hint of purple. The winter sunrise was the most beautiful; with the ice sparkling off the roof’s creating a spectrum of colours and a sense of pure magic.

“It’s just a sunrise.” A dry deep voice said from behind me seconds after I emitted a sigh at the memory of a winter’s morning. “No need to get so excited.”

“Shut up.” I sighed turning around and catching Murtagh’s face from the corner of my eye, “It’s my one piece of beauty every day, some are better than others. This is a boring one.”

“Beauty.” He snorted following me as I walked down the stairs like a normal person.

“What are you doing awake anyway?” I asked as he took the steps a few at a time.

“I wake up this early, what are you doing awake?”

“I cook breakfast.” I stated like it was obvious, because well. It bloody well is.

“Oh.” He said as I sat on the banister, giving up on walking again. “That’s a bit unfair, last in bed first one up.”

“Well I’m the newest.” I shrugged and he just looked amused at me. “What?!”

“You always were lazy.” He laughed and I stopped and jumped to my feet before sprinting down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchens.

I’ll show him lazy, I’ll have breakfast ready before he even gets here. If he’s even coming here, god why does he drive me mad?! No one else can do it like he does; he’s only been here one night, not even a day yet!

What happened to the nice Murtagh that used to let me ride on his back and sneak me sweets when Mother wasn’t looking? I’m not sure I like this new Murtagh, something’s changed and I don’t know whether it’s for the better.


When I’d seen her standing at the window this morning it had shocked me, I’d been watching her a few seconds before I’d recognised her as Aénor. The same little girl I’d always found ridiculously cute and had always gotten anything she wanted out of me.

But she’d grown up now, I’d grown up too, she was only three years younger than me. What would that make her, eighteen? The new light had ignited her hair forming a halo around her; dammit she was beautiful. I’d always known she would be.

Then I’d gone and disturbed her, she always hated being watched, soon we were walking down the stairs when she jumped onto the banister to ease the exercise on her tired limbs. “What?!” she asked suddenly and a little annoyed.

“You always were lazy.” I smirked chuckling, I wasn’t expected her to glare at me and run away.

I stayed on the stairs before moving back to the window she’d stopped at. She was right, it was beautiful; the simple pleasures in life were always natural, biological.

Thorn swept across the scene, stealing my attention as he displayed his breakfast, a doe he’d caught in the forest, he was getting better. Congratulations Friend, you’re getting better by the hour. I told him with a smile on my face.

He didn’t reply but went back into the forest to eat his kill, she’d probably have cooled down by now and stop being childish. I’m hungry and hope she’s cooked something other than just gruel.

“What the hell do you think you’re playing at?!” a female voice shouted, “Using that to help prepare food, well if you’re going to do it that way you can make lunch also.”

I stepped into the doorway and watched as a blonde woman around my age shouted at Aénor. Aénor just stood with her head bowed down mumbling about how she wouldn’t do it again and how sorry she is about cheating with her chores.

“Well you can do mine for the day too; clean the upper chambers once you’ve finished in here.” The woman stated throwing the ladle into the cauldron and turning to storm out. “Oh, good morning sir, how can I help?” she asked upon seeing me, batting her eyelashes. “Let me get you some breakfast I made.”

I watched as she literally bumped Aénor out of the way to get to the good breakfast. “I overheard you giving Aénor your chores as punishment.” I stated and both women turned to face me, one in fear and the other in anger. “She cannot do them; she had to aid me in finding the right equipment and area for my training.”

“I can do that for your sir, there is no other who knows the castle like I do.” the blonde smiled flirtily, leaning over low as she passed me my bowl, displaying her goods as to say. “I can be found most helpful.”

“No.” I stated turning my eyes to Aénor who was seething quietly in the corner. “I need her help.”

“Alright.” She sighed not wanting to break her flirtatious nature in front of me. “Aénor get started on your chores before you help Our Sir.”

I watched smirking as Aénor took a mop and bucket from the small cupboard and started to clean the floors, taking her anger out on the dirt that dared tarry her floors since the last mopping had occurred.

“What are you training for; it must be some dangerous mission. You look so strong and powerful.” The blonde laughed, running a hand around her admittedly small waist.

“I’m training a new sector of the armies.” I shrugged as she gasped and chattered on about how her father was a great soldier.

Blah, Blah, Blah.


I could feel his eyes on me as I cleaned, between bursts of Alyce’s laughter of course, like I’ve said before that man should be locked away for the good of women everywhere. I hope he doesn’t fall into her bed as so many have done before, I don’t think I could bare it, I think it may just break my heart is such a man falls to so loose a woman.

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