Chapter Fifteen

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“She’s a strong person, doing it by herself.” Arya stated as we walked towards Aénor who was sitting knitting a blanket for the child which was due in just a week’s time. “Not many people would be able to handle the heartbreak and stress of it alone.”

“She’s not alone though, she’s got me.” I said and Arya put a hand on my arm stopping me from continuing.

“A brother is not the same as a lover or husband.” She stated, “You cannot fill his shoes no matter how hard you try.”

“Garrow brought me up as a son; I can do the same for her child.” I stated and her eyes flashed intelligence.

“The child is Murtagh’s?” she asked and I gave her a tight small nod. “Why is she here rather than with him then?”

“He wanted to keep her safe; he’s lost faith in the empire and didn’t want her to be part of it. Neither knew she was pregnant, must have happened just before she left.”

“I see.” Arya said slowly continuing our walk. “Does he know?”

“How are we to get information to him without sacrificing a messenger?” I asked and she nodded understanding.

“Well if he looked for her then he’ll know she’s with child.” She stated, “But he won’t know whose, maybe this is a most deadly occurrence. Would he leave if he believed her to be carrying another man’s child?”

“I couldn’t say.” I shrugged. “I hope we never have to find out, she’s my sister and I care for her more than I do my true sibling.”

“As is only right, you know her.” Arya stated seconds before we reached Aénor. “The blanket’s coming on well.”

“Only because I remembered the spell.” She smirked looking up at us sheepishly and removed her hands from the needles, “I’m quite pathetic at knitting it turns out, I can sew and darn but not knit.”

“Are you nervous about the birth?” Arya asked and I felt a little uncomfortable, they’d forgotten I was here already.

“Not until Katrina gave me the details.” She humphed, “Apparently you rip, down there.”

I coughed loudly and both women turned up to me apologetically, “It’s alright; I was thinking I could just pop it out with a bit of magic. I used to fix Murtagh’s nose all the time.” I coughed again and looked at Arya, aware that she wasn’t meant to know that little detail. “Please you two talk loudly.” 

“Sorry.” I said as she looked unimpressed.

“It’s ok, I forgive you.” she shrugged quickly grabbing the needles again as a few guards walked past us, nodding at Arya and I. “How are things anyway?”

“Could be worse.” I muttered shrugging, “Empire are stationed about hundred miles south, could be here by next week with a fight.”

“Right in time for the baby!” she cheered waving her hand in the air.

“Maybe we should move you into the Mountains to be sure nothing will go wrong.” Arya said suddenly frowning. “Is it a boy or girl?”

“I think it’s going to be a boy, I just have a gut feeling it will be.” She frowned thinking hard and patting her stomach.


And he’s going to look exactly like his father, I sighed and pulled myself out of my head as Arya and Eragon started talking about how they should divide up the soldiers and guards ready for an attack at any point in time.

“Women and children will need someone to look after them.” Arya stated, “But we need everyone we can get to fight at the front.”

“I’ll do it.” I shrugged looking up at them, neither looked impressed. “Please I’m better at magic than you are.” I said directly to Eragon.

“Really?” Arya asked not looking convinced.

“My father’s Durza and my mother is the last of the water gypsies so I have a very magical history and have been practising magic since I was a child.” I stated and she frowned.

“Daughter of Durza, partner to Murtagh anything else we should be concerned about?”

“I’m his sister too.” I grinned and Eragon cooed teasingly. “Shut up, you know there’s nothing to fear from me, I care about people here I wouldn’t turn around and back hand them after they accepted me an unmarried mother into their midst.”

“You have a point.” Arya stated and I grinned, “I trust you Aénor.”

“Good, because I trust you too.” I smiled as Eragon rolled his eyes at us.

“Can we go and get some food now please?” he asked offering me his hand to stand up, Arya on my other arm I managed to stand up. “I like that you’re always hungry.”

“You’re so good to me.” I snorted as he put an arm around my waist. “I need a bloody cart for this thing.”

“You look like you’ve ate one.”


What are you doing? Thorn asked as I ran around my room looking for the bowl, I ignored him until I found it and thrust it in the air for him to see. Murtagh, is this a good idea?

I need to see for myself, I cannot sit here and hear rumours about a woman being pregnant with the Varden and not know who it is.

You won’t be able to see whose child it is

If it’s Aénor I’ll know

What if she’s not who you think she is

What are you trying to say Thorn? I turned to glare at him feeling a little crazy at the moment in time. Aénor wouldn’t do that to me, she loves me and I love her.

I miss her too, but I’m not the crazy one running about, we’ll see for ourselves in a few weeks, it’s been nine months you can wait another one.

I can’t, I need to see her smile, I need to remember why I’m fighting.

“Draumr kopa.” I said looking down into the water and focusing on Aénor as much as possible.

The water swirled and she appeared from within, her face flinched in pain as she wrapped her small slender hands around her large pregnant stomach, I looked at Thorn who nodded his understanding. Her face softened as she took a plate of something from another, one who was protected from my scrying, probably Eragon. Jealousy ripped through my as she laughed, as she gave the same someone, or possibly another person a quick kiss. 

Do you still think it is your child?

I don’t know; she looks happy.

Isn’t that a good thing, isn’t that why you sent her there to be safe and have company?

I didn’t think it would be this hard.

A young woman with coppery hair sat down beside her and passed her a baby to hold, I watched as she fussed over the small child while the other woman sorted herself out some food. She has true friends there; I’d just ruin it all if I tried to get her back.

You’re going to leave her?

I have to, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that happy.

I have. Thorn said looking down at me, Every time you walked into a room she’d look a thousand times happier.

What’s one person to at least two?

She’ll have two.

No, she’ll stay there with them all. They love her, she deserves them. Not me. I sighed taking the bowl and throwing the water out over some small flowers.

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