Chapter Six

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I walked out of the bedroom I’d been given, it was nice enough just way too big for me alone. I kept dreaming that there were creatures running around the bed, but every time I checked they, of course, weren’t there anymore.

“What are we doing today?” I asked seeing Murtagh standing at the window which over looked the large gardens. “More cleaning and making the house liveable?” I teased.

“We’re going shopping actually.” He said looking bored of the idea already. “We need stuff and you need more clothes.”

“Three dresses are more than enough.” I laughed nudging him across so I could look out of the window as well, it was well past sunrise now and I was a little disappointed in myself actually I loved watching the sunrise and I’d slept through it.

“Not for a lady of the house.” he stated pulling an austere looking face. “Come on; let me buy you like two more that way you can actually have a choice apart from brown, grey or that weird purple one.”

“It’s lavender.” I stated and he didn’t look convinced. “When did you want to leave?”

“Whenever, breakfast then go or did you want to get breakfast while we were there?” he asked and I grinned, I hadn’t had breakfast at an inn for absolute years, but he was pretty adamant he was going to buy me dresses. “There, ok.”

“No!” I shouted running after him as he stalked down through the house at surprising speed. “Breakfast here!”

“I’m not going to pay you Aénor; instead I’m going to buy you things.” He stated stopped so suddenly I ran into his back. “So think of this as your first payment.”

I looked up at him and he smiled at me as I rubbed my chest where I’d run into him. I nodded just deciding to let him, to be honest the thought of a new dress makes me giggly. I followed him down unsure of just how we were going to get anywhere; I mean we can’t ride Thorn down to the town can we?

“Horses.” I said realising as he opened the door to the stables.

“Did you think we were talking Thorn?” he smirked teasingly as I scowled at him before swinging myself onto the smaller of the two horses. “Come on Nore, we need to get going, it’s a fair way.”

“Oh god, and I’ve got to spend it with just you for company?” I groaned.

A pebble hit my head as he shot a glare at me before turning away and galloping down the road, I leant down to talk to my horse. “Do you want to go for a run?” I asked him and his eyes seemed to light up at the idea of going for a run. “Okay then, off you go.”


I stormed ahead of Aénor on the way to the town, I knew she’d be safe without me being right beside her and anyway it’s not as if she’s truly alone. I kept my focus on the rhythm of the run and the road ahead of us, until that was Aénor over took us easily, the younger horse relishing in the exercise and small load.

Her hair had fallen from with her hood and was flowing in the breeze creating a blazing trail as they rode ahead, increasing the gap with every second. I spurred my horse on to keep close, but I didn’t want to lose this view, this memory of her I would always remember.

She turned her head to look at me and grinned and I knew right there that instant, as if lightening had struck me down. She had to be mine; I’d explode if I saw her with anyone else.

Once in the town Aénor immediately headed towards the stalls and small rows of shops, I tethered the horses and followed immediately behind. I growled and glared as she weaved through the crowds turning heads at every corner.

“Where first?” she asked stopping in a small gap in the crowds and turning to grin up at me. “Food?”

I nodded sending her a small smirk before taking her hand and leading her through the parting crowds towards the inn. As we sat down the innkeeper immediately saw to us and offered us pretty much everything.

“Oh just the normal is perfect.” Aénor grinned grabbing his hand, “We really don’t need anything special.”

I watched smirking as the old man visibly relaxed and ran off to get our orders. “You are too good for your own good.”

“Shut up.” She laughed nudging me under the table. “I can’t wait I am so hungry.” She sang after we’d been given fresh juice to drink.

I watched her as she looked around the room; every movement was different, so animated. Her hair had come loose from the knot she’d tied it in before we’d left and once she realised her fingers swiftly pulled it away and back from her face. Her bright blue eyes hit mine as she looked around the room self consciously.

“Yes?” she asked, running a hand along her face and hair checking there was nothing out of place.

“You have blue eyes.” I stated dryly, her mouth opened in surprise and she looked as if she was going to say something but I couldn’t let her have that. “It makes you look like a child’s painting, blue red and pink all on one person.”

“Shut up.” She groaned rolling her eyes and falling back into her chair. “Is there anything you want from today?”

“We’ll see.” I shrugged turning to look towards the kitchen.

“Anything else?” she asked obviously not impressed with my answer.

“Your undying gratitude.” I stated and she blushed as her eyes darted down to her hands.

How did I manage to get her to come with me, how did I get her to trust me because lord knows she really shouldn’t.

“Food!” Aénor sang breaking my trance as the landlord put down two large pates of food. “Now you didn’t have to add any extras, but I’m glad you did I am starving!”

“Thank you miss.” The old man grinned as Aénor put a hand to his arm in thanks.

“Don’t eat too much or these dresses I’ll buy you will never fit.”

“Oh shush you.” she stated through a mouthful of eggs. “I’ll have you know I don’t get fat after one meal.”

I let my eyes roam across the parts of her that I could see and she was most definitely not fat.

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