Chapter Eight.

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I entered Thorn’s mind and instantly he barraged me with images of Murtagh looking at me, ones where I was completely unaware he was even there, He loves you, do not hurt him. I was yanked away by Murtagh tackling me away from the connection.

“Oh.” I said rather stupidly as he jumped to his feet, dragging me up.

He glared and turned to Thorn, who between them, were obviously arguing. Aénor, are you alright? Thorn’s voice entered my head making me jump back against the oven. I nodded as Murtagh grabbed his bow from beside the door and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

“What did I do?” I asked and Thorn shook his head. “Is he coming back?”

We’ll wait and see, he was pretty angry and upset.

“Great.” I muttered turning back to the potatoes I’d been working on before the whole palaver happened. “I’ll keep him some dinner warm, will you tell him?”

I’ll go and keep an eye on him, do not fear little one.

“Don’t you start calling me little one.” I grumbled as he removed his head from the kitchen and set off. “I am not little!” I shouted after him.

Five hours later and I’d not even heard a mouse, no one wanted to be here apart from me. In case Murtagh came back, Thorn had said he loves me, but how is that possible?

So he bought me clothes and followed me around when I shopped for the Manor this morning but surely that just meant he had nothing better to do. He brought me here with him because we’re friends and he didn’t like me being bullied by Careen and Alyce.

The way he’d held my hand as we weaved through the crowd was nice, how he glared at that man who was trying to flirt at me. Maybe that wasn’t just because he didn’t want me to leave him, or maybe it was simply that. He didn’t want me to leave him.

I wrapped the cloak tighter around my legs as I watched the fire begin to die in the grate; at least if I were to go to bed I’d sleep rather than simply think. An involuntary shiver ran through my body as a spark of awareness hit my chest and panic rose. Jumping to my feet I gripped the metal stoker from the fireplace in my hands, the end glowing red as I stepped softly across the room.

The door flung open and I screamed throwing the metal poker towards whoever was barging through the door, who else would it be really?

“What the hell are you trying to do?!” Murtagh growled grabbed the poker and throwing it to the ground looking more than a little bit pissed off. “Who the hell did you expect to come through the door?!”

“I don’t know.” I mumbled rather shyly.

“Well you should have, only the two of us can get into this bloody house and I will have to stay that way.” He shouted looking angry. “What are you staring at, stop flinching!”

“What’s wrong?” I asked stepping forwards and he just glared at me.

“Why are you still awake?” he snapped, “You normally would have been in bed over two hours ago.”

“I waited for you.” I shrugged and he just continued to glare at me. “Did you find your dinner keeping warm in the oven.”

“I gave it to Thorn.” He stated smirking rather rudely, I nodded feeling myself frown down at the ground, “I don’t want anything else cooking for me thank you for offering. Go bed Aénor.”

I fled the room and locked the door behind me before the tears started to fall freely, my chin wobbled as annoying whines passed my lips. I refused to sob like I wanted too, but the whines and whimpers I couldn’t hold back.

Maybe it was a bad idea coming here; if he’s like that anything slightly approaching commonly it’s going to be hell living here alone with him. That’s twice now I’ve seen him this angry, the first time wasn’t so bad, that soldier had been in the wrong, but this time I have no idea what I did to cause him to react so badly.

I’ll just stay out of his way.


I punched the wall she’d been standing in front of, before falling into the seat which she must have been sat on not minutes earlier as it wasn’t ice cold beneath me. I chucked a few longs onto the fire and watched as it consumed the newly acquired wood.

I must have fallen asleep because soon the smell of fresh bread and pottage passed my nose and light streamed down onto my face as the morning sun cast its rays across the windows. It was morning and I had definitely fallen asleep.

Aénor tells me to tell you the pottage on the oven should last you the day, she has some chores to run in the town and will be back later. Thorn’s voice stated a few minutes later, I stood and looked out the window at the road which led to the town.

I almost banged on the window to get her attention, but I didn’t. She looked so small and pathetic sitting on that horse, what was she doing in town? She didn’t know anyone and she didn’t need to buy anything, I’d taken care of that when we went yesterday.

God had it only been yesterday that I’d been so happy?

I walked down to the kitchen, the pottage smelt delicious and I couldn’t walk past it and not take a bowlful, especially after skipping dinner last night. It was as good as it smelt, but I couldn’t help the gnawing guilt in the pit of my stomach.

So, what did you do? Thorn asked pushing his head through the kitchen shutters to look at me. Why has she gone to find work in the town?

She’s what?!

She’s gone to collect the dresses, you are too easy.

You are a dick; do you know why she’s gone alone?

Nope. With that he withdrew his head and wandered off into the gardens to find a place to relax and maybe catch some snack.

The Manor was eerily silent without Thorn and Aénor, I should probably go after her and apologise, but then again, I don’t know what I’d be apologising for. So much for this being a peaceful house, it seems no one can live under this roof and conduct a normal, in anyway shape or form, relationship.

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