Chapter Sixteen

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I sat listening to the battle raging below us; once the men had donned their armour and were ready to fight we’d retreated up the mountains. Eragon had crushed me against his armour before kissing Tadhg’s head and turning on his heel towards Sapphira. 

I pressed my lips against Tadhg’s soft black hair and hushed him as he complained about the lack of bed. “I hope your Uncle’s alright.” I whispered seeing the blue dragon dart over the battle, taking out whole platoons with her tail. “And your father.”

His little body curled against mine, he was easier to carry this way but I was terrified I’d lose him or he’d get hurt when I wasn’t with him. Paranoid wasn’t even the word. Katrina came up from behind, Garrow in her arms as she joined me on the outcrop.

“I’m terrified he won’t come back.” She admitted running a finger across Tadhg’s cheek as he concentrated on the bright colours of Garrow’s blanket.

“Roran’s going to come back.” I smiled swapping Tadhg for Garrow as she frowned. “He’s got the two of you to think about.”

“I hope your right.” She sighed lifting my son into the air and kissing his nose as she dropped him down to her. “Is that him?”

My eyes shot off of the little red head against my shoulder to the striking red dragon fighting Sapphira. “That’s Thorn.” I smiled nodding, “He’s so sarcastic but he’d literally do anything for Murtagh.”

“He’ll make it through too.” she said gripping my hand.

“He’ll die either way; he’s not going to be allowed to live even if he survives.” I sighed feeling my heart break slowly as I admitted it to myself. “How do you get Garrow to sleep?!”

“He’s three months older.” She smirked and I shook my head in disbelief. “If I could get Garrow to laugh like Tadhg I’d happily swap secrets.”

I grinned at her before we both fell silent clutching the other’s child as we watched the battle. But before long Garrow woke for his feed and Tadhg was asleep, leaving me alone on the rocky outcrop keeping an eye and ear out for anything heading our way.

Large hands shook me awake and I bolted to my feet knocking the person over, I turned with a spell on the tip of my tongue till I recognised Eragon smirking from the floor, Tadhg cradled protectively against his chest.

Sickness spread through my stomach as I realised I could have hurt my baby. “Don’t worry Nore, relax he’s safe. I’ve tied him to me.” he grinned letting go of my son causing me to emit a squeak of fear before I noticed the strong piece of material cradling him against his chest.

“Don’t do that.” I moaned as he stood up, I leant close and kissed my sons head before kissing Eragon’s cheek. “You’re alive!” I cheered.

“Yeah.” He laughed heading back towards the camp. “We won, I think.”

“You think?”

“It’s hard to tell, we won the battle and I think we’ve won the war.” He sighed and I patted his arm. “But we do have something you’ll want to see.”

“Oh?” I asked yawning slightly.

“Murtagh’s in the dungeons.” He stated and I fled, forgetting everything that had happened in the last nine months, I just needed to see him one last time.

I ran down the side of the mountain throwing myself against any obstacle, shouting sorry’s back at those obstacles which turned out to be people. I got to the dungeons and found them heavily guarded, I glared up at the large men and down at the dwarves who opposed me.

“Let me in.” I growled at them.

“Sorry miss, only Eragon or Queen Nasuada can be let through.”

“I’m going through.” I stated pushing past them with ease, using my magic despite not wanting it to be common knowledge that I can.

“Oh we’re going too.” Katrina said from behind me everyone turned to look at her, she must have seen me running and followed, Roran close behind “Security reasons . . . fine I want to see what he looks like!”

I pushed the heavy door open causing it to slam on the wall behind it, there in the middle of the room sat Murtagh, battered and bruised. He didn’t look up as I pushed the doors open, only when everything fell silent and Roran pushed the door shut behind us did he move.

“Kill me already.” He shouted before looking up, his face dropped, “What the hell are you doing here?”

I couldn’t speak, emotions ripped through my body. Everything about him looked haggard, worn down and tired. I watched as he stood up and gave me a small smile seconds before I threw myself at him, wishing he could hold me. Fingers touched my cheek and he chuckled shaking his head, “You always knew how to impress me.”

“You idiot.” I grumbled squeezing him as tight as I possibly could and kissing him soundly, before remembering Roran and Katrina were here too. “That’s Roran, your cousin and Katrina his wife.”

I watched as he flicked his eyes up and nodded at them before staring back down at me, I gave him the look that said be nice and he looked back at them. “Thank you for looking after her.”

“No problem, she’s like the sister I never had.” Katrina grinned and I smiled at her. “Even our boys are like cousins.”

“Boys?” Murtagh’s voice sounded hollow as his grip loosened on me.

“Yes our sons, they share a crib because space is tight and well they get along so well together.” Katrina smiled and I felt him slip away from me.


I knew she’d been pregnant, why was I so shocked, so hurt? I’d been so damn happy to see her I’d forgotten all about everything else. Was the child even mine, it could be anyone’s; it’s been well over a year since I last held her.

I stepped back as the door opened again, revealing Eragon carrying a small child strapped to his chest. Immediately Aénor stepped forwards as he laughed, “At least I love him.”

Anger ripped through me, was he saying she wasn’t a good mother? How dare he call her anything but perfect I must have made a noise because everyone in the small cell had turned to me looking surprised. 

“What?” Eragon asked looking unimpressed, “Jealous I’ve raised your son and will continue to do so?”

I didn’t say anything, too many emotions were running through me, I still wanted to punch him but he’d just said the baby was mine, my son. He is mine, he’s ours. 

“His name’s Tadhg, you weren’t here so I named him myself.”

“Couldn’t have named him Tornac?” I asked and immediately she frowned.

“I am not naming my son after your damn horse!”

“What happened to him, I couldn’t save him from the stables before the urgals got there?” Eragon stated and we both turned to look at him.

“He came home.” I shrugged as Aénor kissed the baby’s head.

I span her around so we were shielded from view, her bright blue eyes looked up at me full of love and she grinned. “Do you want to hold him?”

“We’ll give you two a few minutes. Careful Murtagh she’ll kill you if a hair comes lose.” Katrina stated pushing the other two from the cell.

I caught her waist and pressed a possessive kiss to her lips as she stepped closer, wrapping a free arm around me before pulling back and she passed me my son.

“He looks like you.” she laughed running a finger across his dark hair. “I’m glad he looks like you. I love you.”

“I love you too, Aénor I’m so sorry.” I sighed and she shook her head burrowing her head against my chest refusing the listen. 

Fortified Minds, An Inheritance FfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora