Chapter Seventeen

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I knew right there and then that I was in the presence of pure, honest love. We’d left Aénor in with Murtagh for about half an hour because well, it was obvious they just wanted to be together and we knew it wouldn’t last longer than two days till he was sentenced.

Aénor was curled against his chest as Murtagh sat on the cold floor against the wall, Tadhg in his arms as his lips stayed on Aénor in never ending kisses.

"Thank you." he said looking up and meeting my eyes, "You didn’t have to look after her, it was probably against everything, daughter of a shade and my wife."

"She proved herself pretty quickly." I shrugged and he let out a small laugh. "First hour here and she was teaching some of the younger boys how to sword fight."

"She’s more than handy with a sword, half the empire’s soldiers have been beaten by her." He smiled clutching the sleeping subject. "All the best things end before they should."

"Wake her up and put the chains back on, I really shouldn’t do this." I sighed bending down and taking my nephew in my arms as he woke up and started to babble at me. "Yes that smelly thing is your father, yes I know you still love me better."

"Don’t be an idiot." Aénor smirked pinching my arm as she looked at Tadhg’s happy face. "What are you doing?"

"Putting your husband in a more comfortable room for the night." I stated and she grinned pushing a sloppy kiss on my cheek, I wiped it off and slipped Tadhg back into his little holder I still had on. "And I’m babysitting!"

"You’ve just fought all day and now you think you’re going to baby sit, no chance." She stated smoothing my hair down as she frowned.

"I’ve already got Garrow, we’re going to have a guys night." I said as Murtagh walked over, looming over both of our heads.

"Aénor." He warned and immediately she shut up, how the hell?! "What she doesn’t do that for you?" he smirked looking at my face.

"Don’t bully him." she said slapping his chest as we walked towards the door.

I walked just ahead of Aénor and Murtagh keeping my face straight until we made it to the chambers high above the main halls of residence. "I have your baby, that’s my bargaining. Don’t try to escape, just be together before anything else does wrong or right, depending on who looks at it."

"Thank you." Aénor grinned throwing herself around me and kissing my cheek again before turning back to Murtagh who nodded and walked into the room.

I quickly cast a spell at the door so it could only be opened from the outside and wandered off the find Sapphira; she’s had a hard day too.

"I thought I’d find you down here." Arya’s voice called through the tunnels, I turned and saw her joggings towards us. "And you have Tadhg. Anyway just wondering if you’re alright?"

"Fine." I shrugged as we continued our walk down to where Sapphira was.

"What’s wrong?" she asked pulling me to a stop.

"Ever feel like everyone has someone who they love more than anything in the world apart from you?"

"All the time." She stated. "He died and there’s nothing I can do about it."

"I have Tadhg and Garrow." I stated dryly and she gave me a small smile, I felt Sapphira push into my mind.

Don’t come down, I’m busy and tired.

Don’t you want some company?

No I’m fine, I’ll see you in the morning, have fun with Garrow and Tadhg.

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