Chapter 21

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Jeez, why is it so hot? I gripped harder at the reins, my nerves tight and constant in the background, but Blaze's hooves were thundering at full speed as we aimed for the final fence.

And we were clear! We'd won!

I broke into a huge grin, exhausted, but ecstatic. My dreams had been realised and we were riding and winning, on top of the world.

Everyone was there - Amber, Connor, Clay, even my idol Pippa Funnell.......and mum.

Mum?! I stood frozen to the spot, the happy, laughing people milling around me, hugging and clapping me on the back, but she was stood in the background. Stoney faced and angry.

My eyes suddenly snapped open and I was instantly blinded by the bright morning sunshine, bathing my room in light. I stared at the window confused. I'd been so tired and distracted last night I must have forgotten to close the curtains.

But I didn't think on it long as the details of my latest dream seeped back into my head. I was red hot and drenched in sweat. Not from the effort of riding but from my mum being there, finally discovering the truth.

I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for my heart to stop thumping and return to normal. Despite the clock read 5.05 I was instantly wide awake.

I dressed and padded softly down the stairs, a couple of the old wooden steps creaking painfully loud through the silence. Even Maggie wasn't up yet. I pulled on my boots and quietly let myself out the front door.

The air outside was refreshingly cool and the yard at this time was blissfully quiet. I headed straight for Blaze's door and leaned in watching him softly breathing in his sleep. This place had become my solace. My horse shaped security blanket. Whatever else was going on, I always felt calmer being here, with Blaze. I'm not sure how long I stood there but Dawn's cheerful 'hello' snapped me out of my daze and told me I might as well get on with my chores.

The close shave of Maggie nearly revealing my lies to mum put me on edge for the next few days. No matter what I did I couldn't shake the heavy weight of guilt and nerves that had set up camp on my shoulders. Not that I could blame anyone of course, I knew it was all of my own doing, but at the same time I was too scared to do anything about it.

But, as much as the thought of being dragged back to London in the blink of an eye terrified me, it didn't stop my whole life revolving around horses. Cross country training was hard but worth it. My confidence was building every day.

After a couple of weeks Clay had us jumping nearly every style of fence imaginable, well, with one exception. The Devil's Dyke sat in the distance, unused. Thankfully.

I don't know whether it was a conscious decision of Clay's not to jump it, because we were doing so well over the other fences, or just because it was a sensitive area - for both of us. Although Amber said she'd been jumping it a few weeks back.

I don't know. I tried not to think about it. The evil fence sat across the field under a heavy covering of trees, making it look like a dark shadowy place like Mordor or the Underworld.

'Good Amber! Clay called across the field. 'Phoebe was ready to put the brakes on there but you did well.' I smiled across at my beaming cousin. I guess we weren't the only ones learning. Clay was still a drill sergeant but he'd at least started to realise that a little praise every so often went a long way.

'Ok Amb's I think Phoebe's tiring. Why don't you head back to the stables I've got a few things to run through with Jenna.'

'Okey doke.' Amber and I exchanged a grin before she turned and started to walk off.

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now