Chapter Nine

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Asriel spun around, but no one was there and Chara was still asleep. He felt a chill go down his back and he put the book back. Just in time to, because Chara was stirring.
Chara woke from her slumber.
"H-hey Asriel."
"How are you doing?"
"Never better. I didn't dream at all."
He looked at her, and his gaze seemed to pierce her soul. He's keeping something from me, she thought, but, I am too.
"No Chara, really. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Asriel. Why are you freaking out?"
"When are you going to tell us about your life above? Your home life."
Chara felt her eyes widen. He wouldn't have. Would he?
"Never, it's none of your business."
He looked at her and walked out, shutting the door. She jumped up and grabbed the book, glaring at all the pictures she drew during the sleepless nights. She turned to the page of the family and felt it. It was damp in one spot. A tear drop.
He saw it.
She began shaking, from fear or anger she didn't know. But she knew one thing. One feeling:betrayal.
He came running into the room, stopping when he saw what she was holding.
"Chara I-"
"Why would you do this?"
"I didn't know what it was."
"You should have stopped at the first page!"
"I couldn't Chara! You need help!"
"No Asriel, I don't! I am perfectly fine!"
"You do need help. Whatever happened up there, whatever you're dreaming about, you need to tell us."
"I don't need anyone's help! Leave me alone!"
Chara ran out the room, not even stopping when she ran into Toriel. She pushed past her and ran out the castle, tears falling freely. She nearly fell down the stairs to the closet with the caskets.
She sat down on one of the boxes, choking. She wiped away the tears. I will not cry! She thought. He didn't know, it's not his fault. Don't get mad. Chara you promised.
She slowed her breathing to calm down. She could never be fully calm, not after what Asgore said. That he would take her soul. She would defend it with her life, no matter how broken it was.
Chara called on her soul, remembering the beautiful red color it was. What? M-my soul. What happened to it? Her soul, it was broken, like normal, but, it wasn't red, not completely. The broken edges, some of them were dark, darker than the rest of the soul.
She began to feel light headed, and was filled with the sudden urge to get back to the castle. She staggered up the stairs, bringing her soul to its place. She made it up the stairs, opened the castle door, and collapsed.
Asriel heard the door open. Is it Chara? Good news, it was. Bad news, she was on the ground, unconscious.
"Mom! Help!"
Toriel came running, gasping at the sight of Chara.
"What happened?"
"I don't know. She came in like this."
"Let's go to the room."
Toriel picked her up and they walked down the hallway.
"So, jm, mom, where's dad at?"
"Away."she said coldly.
She set her down on the bed.
"Go get some monster candy. Now."
     He darted to the kitchen, rummaging through the drawers. He found them and grabbed a green piece. Monster Candy. 11 HP. Asriel had always wondered what HP meant. He got back to the room and gave the piece to Toriel.
     "Her heart is racing. I think something scared her."
     "What could scare Chara?"
     "I have no clue Asriel. No clue at all."
     She fed Chara the Monster Candy as Asriel watched in awe. A green glow appeared around Chara and lasted 11 seconds.
     "Monster food is magic. It heals humans quickly."
     "Is that what the 11 HP means?"
     "Yes, it healed 11 health points."
     "Health points. HP. How can you tell how much health she has?"
     "I guess it's just an instinct. Dig deep enough and you'll find yours."
     He concentrated, drawing his mind inward. There! It read:
                         Hp:20                           ATK:3
     "Mom, what's ATK?"

     Sup guys. Hope you enjoyed the last chapter.

     I'm kidding. You should have seen the look on your face. Truly though I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 300 reads guys! Let's see if we can get to 50 votes by chapter 10.

      Princess out!

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