Chapter 18

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**Sarahs POV**

I finished explaining everything that had occurred while I was unconscious. I waited patiently for a moment for some kind of response from Jake, but he just stood emotionless in front of me.

"Jake?"I question worriedly. I paused in anticipation, hoping to get answers or atleast a response. Nothing. He looked almost as if he were in to deep of a thought to even notice what was going on in reality.

I leaned over and pressed the button to summon a nurse. Within a couple of seconds a beautiful young looking woman rushed into the room with a clipboard at hand. By the look on her face I could tell that she was shocked I was awake.

"Hello," I smile,"we really need to get back home so I was wondering when is the quickest time you think I can be cleared?"

She gave me an odd look before peering down at her clipboard then looking back at me.

"Well, we'll have to run a few test to check your stability but if it all comes up good then we could probably get you out of here within the hour," she responded. She quickly left the room and returned with who I assumed was my doctor.

"Hello Ms. Parker. Glad to see you up! I'm sure Jake here is even more glad though," he chuckled, putting his hand on his shoulder. Jake just lowered his gaze to the hospital floor.

"Can we please just leave," he muttered under his breathe.

"Sure, let me just run a few test and we'll get you out of here soon enough," he grinned warmly.

He spent the next half hour running all sorts of tests. He checked eye sight,hearing, blood, all while Jake sat in a chair in the corner watching intently. After everything was finished he came back with the final results.

"Well everything seems to be good! Just make sure you spend the next few days resting your minor injuries. The bruises and cuts should be gone within a couple of hours but the broken ribs may take a day or two so please take it easy," he explained.

"Of course! Thanks so much for anything,"I smile.

"Anytime, it was pleasure seeing you two and hopefully I won't have to see you for awhile," he winked,"Take care."

Once he left Jake quickly got up took hold of my hand, leading me out the door. He seemed to know his way around the tiny hospital as he navigated us both out.

The moon shone bright as we both stepped out and walked to the car. He opened the passenger side door of a black mustang and helped me in. I buckled up as he shut the door and got in the drivers seat and immediately sped off.

We both sat quietly for awhile. I looked up at him. He was dead focused on the road, almost acting as if I weren't even there.

"Jake, seriously, what's wrong? You've barley said a word, and I want answers. The least you could do is try to act like I exists," I spoke softy, trying not to upset him more than he already was.

He glanced over at me for a second before returning his focus back to the road.

"What do you want to know?" he questioned.

I hesitated before finally answering.

"Who's this Tony guy and what did he mean when he said I was 'special'? If there's something you're keeping from me now would defiantly be the time to speak up."

There was a long silence before he finally spoke.

"Tony is the leader of a group of rebel vampires called the 'Waker Clan', he goes around the world scouting all sorts vampires with 'special' abilities, such as mind reading, teleportation, and many others. He's been planning an attack between our kind for centuries now and for centuries we've been trying to stop them but they have a very elite group of warriors and it's very hard to stop them," he paused for a bit before continuing.

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