All Gone

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Fights and more fights. That was the resume of your relationship with Dolph for the past weeks. You don't even have any idea of why the fighting started, it just did. He is always on edge lately. Everything you do or say is enough to piss him off and make him boil. You love him, but you're nearing your explosion zone, you're done with all this, you're hurting so much and he doesn't care.

Today was just the last drop in the cup. You had enough.

"Dolph, seriously, I don't want to fight anymore. I'm done." You mumble. You can't find the strength to fight anymore.

"Yeah, sure. You're texting someone for the past 30 minutes and when I confront you about it, you snap at me and now you're done! Okay, that seems to explain everything." He chuckles sarcastically.

Today, he started a scene because you were on your phone. He asked you who you were texting (who happened to be your best friend, Jo), but you had enough and you weren't doing anything wrong so you just snapped. Now, he thinks you're cheating.

"I snapped at you? You've been snapping at me for weeks." You shout, feeling your anger rising, but you quickly compose yourself again. "Anyway, fine. Think what you want. I'm not arguing with you anymore." You affirm blankly. You can't get nervous, not after what you found out a week ago. But only you and Jo know. You couldn't find the strength to tell him. Not now.

"Are you serious? You can't do this." He shouts.

"Yes, I am. I can and I'm doing it. I'm done, we're done, Dolph."

Dolph doesn't say anything, just storms off the living room, not before kicking some box that was standing there. You hear his car driving off in speed, so you finally break, crying your eyes out, your heart breaking in your chest. You pick yourself off the couch and go pack your stuff. You pack in record time and then call Jo to pick you up.

"Jo..." You mumble, fighting back tears, but she knows you better.

"Hey (Y/N), baby, what happened?" She asks worriedly.

"Dolph." You manage to say. "Can you pick me up, please?" You beg, now sobbing.

"Sure, I'll be there in 10." And with that she hangs up.

Ten minutes later, she's there and as she takes you to her house, you say goodbye to the house that was your home for 3 years.


When Dolph got home, he didn't call for you but he did search for you inside every room of the house. He got to your bedroom and you weren't there, but just when he was exiting the room, he notices the closet door half closed so he goes over there and opens it. Only to find it empty. All your clothes, shoes, jewelry... gone. All gone. Well, except the necklace and the ring. He gave you the necklace on your first anniversary and the ring on your second anniversary. You left them on top of your bed.

"Fuck." He whispers, grabbing the two items, then sitting down at the bottom of your bed, his head in his hands. "Fuck!" He shouts now, running his hands through his hair. "What have I done? What the fuck have I done? I can't lose her..."


It's been two weeks and you haven't talked or seen Dolph. He has tried to contact you but you never answered.

You're lying on the couch, looking at your tummy and caressing it. It has been your favorite thing to do for last couple of weeks. You're 3 months pregnant, but your bump just started showing off a week ago. You found out a few weeks ago but never got to tell Dolph, for obvious reasons.

"(Y/N), sweetie, you can't stay at home forever. I need some groceries... Why don't you go pick them up? I made a list!" Jo says smiling. Jo is the best friend someone could ever ask for, she's like a sister to you.

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