The Promise

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You and Dolph are married for 2 years now. You met through mutual friends, almost love at first sight, and well, never let go of each other ever since.

Today, you decided to have a couple-y day. Dolph had the day off, and you took one off from work as well. You two went on a walk, had lunch, went to the cinema, etc., just spending some quality time together.

You didn't stop all day, so you were even more tired than if you had gone to work, but it was totally worth it. And Dolph totally agreed. Even him, being the Mr. Fit in the house was tired, he admitted so.

So, when you got home, you just took a quick shower, put your pajamas on and headed to bed. Dolph did the same, joining you a couple of minutes later.

You cuddled up on Dolph's chest and he wrapped his arms around you protectively, as you two drifted off to sleep really fast.

You fell deeply asleep, and you were so happy, that you have no idea what lead you to what was currently happening.

Tears are running down your cheeks, and it's hard to breathe, you feel like you're having a panic attack.

Suddenly, all you can see is Dolph's car violently crashing against another car. You start screaming in panic. You screamed even more because you can't move, you can't help him, you're watching him die and you can't do anything. It's like you're stuck and something doesn't let you move.

You feel your body being slightly shaken, when you finally come to your senses and wake up.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Dolph asks softly, wiping the tears from your face with his thumbs as you look up at him, still trying to process what had happened.

"Dolph, you're here." You sob, lunging at him and wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Yes, love, I'm here." He whispers, pressing kisses on your head, his hands on your back soothing you. "What happened? Why were you screaming?" He asks once more softly, trying not to push too hard.

"I- I had a nightmare." You choke out, in between a sob, as you pull back slightly to face him. He didn't say anything, urging you to continue. "I dreamed that you- you were in a car accident and I- I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything, I couldn't help you and it was killing me." You sob even harder, just recalling those events.

"Oh (y/n)... It's okay, it was just a nightmare. I'm okay, and I'm here." He assures you, small smiling at you as he caresses your cheek.

"I love you so much, I can't bear the thought of something happening to you, Dolph." You mumble, your voice not above a whisper, as you finally stopped crying.

"Feel this? It's still beating. I'm okay." He says as he grabs your hand and presses it over his chest. "I love you too."

"Promise me that nothing's gonna happen to you, ever." You plead, you really need assurance after seeing his death so close.

"I can't promise you that, baby. We don't know what might happen in the future." He starts, but you cut him off.

"Dolph, but –"

"But I can promise you one thing."

"What?" You ask, rather shyly.

"See this ring?" He takes ahold of your engagement and wedding ring.


"Remember what we told when we got married?"

"Yes." You mumble once more.

"Till death do us part. I intend to keep that promise. I'm never leaving you. I'm gonna love you till death do us part."

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