"If you keep looking at me like that we won't make it to a bed."

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"If you keep looking at me like that we won't make it to a bed."

"First, I'm not looking at you in any way. Second, you aren't getting any tonight, Dolph." You snap dryly.

"Jesus, (Y/N), are you still pissed about that?" He asks, sighing in defeat as he sees you frowning. "She was just being friendly, seriousl-"

"Friendly? Ha, funny. She was all over you. Practically drooling over you. In my face!" You snap, feeling the jealousy rise. Oh well, he pushed you, now he has to take it.

"You are jealous?" He asks in realization, everything coming clean as you turn your head to give him your 'leave me alone' look. "You are jealous." He smiles sweetly at you, making you want to punch him.

"Damn right I'm jealous. She was all over my man. She's lucky I didn't punch her right there and then." You say, looking right at his eyes.

"God, you're adorable when you're jealous." He smiles, but you frown again, you really don't think it's funny. "Baby, you need to trust me." He begs, looking really serious and sincere.

"I trust you, it's them I don't trust." You confess, shyly."

"You know I only have eyes for you. I love you. And I wanted to show you again how much, but... well, as you made up your mind, it can be on some other day." He teases, making you try really harder not to laugh and not to blush.

"Hell no! What do you want to show me, show off?" You chuckle, wrapping your fingers around his tie and looking up at him seductively.

Dolph Ziggler - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now