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A/N Omfg, I'm so excited to write this. THis book has taken off so well and I love you, all of my readers. And since I'm a sucker for happy endings, I'll write the wedding, I usually don't since it's cheesy, but I will do it.

Song's Young and Beautiful -- Lana Del Rey because I really don't know anything else, and it just seemed fitting.

Yeah, so up there is Rika's wedding dress.

Just saying, though, I have literally no idea how a wedding goes. So bear with me.

Read really long A/N after chap

Here we go, the final chapter:


It was a sunny afternoon, a very bright contrast to the icy snow storm on the Starkiller Base that nearly killed Han and Rika.

But that all seemed like a lifetime ago to Rika. So far away. It was like years had passed since she battled Kylo Ren, or perhaps that was because the moment she waited for so long was now happening, and the love of her life was waiting for her with it.

Rika had always imagined her wedding to be extravagant, filled with sparkling tiaras, shimmering diamonds, and elegant dressed. But what she was in right now was just right. The wedding set was plain. A rose covered trellis became the hastily made altar by busy mechanics. Resistance officers milled around as usual, except dressed in formal clothing than their usual work uniforms as their favorite couple was finally getting to it.

The emerald grass was cool as they brushed her ankles, the sapphire sky was clear without a trace of cloud in sight, and the sun shone as brightly as she remembered it to be.

But none of that mattered, not really.

Nothing really mattered as long as she had Poe, Leia, Han, Rey.

The love of her life and her family. She couldn't wish for anything more.


Poe couldn't be happier. He was already the happiest man in the entire Galaxy. But he really was happier when he stood at the altar with General Organa waiting for his soon-to-be-wife.

When Rika eventually came out, Poe's breath was caught in his throat.

It wasn't that Rika was wearing anything glamorous or anything terrible (even if she did, he would still marry her), but the difference in Rika was stunning; he was seeing a new side of his lover -- any time that he saw her, she was in her stained mechanic's uniform, hair messed, or it was in pants and a tunic. Now, she was in a dress, simple but elegant, her hair tucked into a neat bun with a blue flowed tucked behind her ear. And when he saw her smile, he could feel his own lips stretching into a smile.


As Rika walked towards Poe, she was ashamed to admit that she was chanting don't trip in her mind. Because honestly? Everyone knew that Rika liked boots much better.

But thankfully, by the time she reached Poe, she had yet to trip. Even though Han was right beside her, but let's face it. No one would really ever trust the old nerf-herder to catch a woman if she tripped while she was walking. As she walked up to Poe, she could see Leia's smile magnify, for a second she was afraid that the older woman might hurt herself. She could also since that the former princess was about to burst into squeals of delight.

She smiled at the love of her life, then walked up to him and looped her arm loosely in his. Rika's eyes were shinning with joy. They both faced the priest (who ended up being 3PO). They said their wedding vows seriously, starting with Poe.

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