Chapter 2

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~Hey so this is my second chapter. Thank you to the people who have read the first chapter it made me happy to see that :) I hope it was good enough and I hope you liked it. Please comment or vote <3 ~

Cherry's P.O.V

Three days later i woke up at midnight and i just got so angry!! My mum was away on a business trip in France so i didn't have to worry when i started checking things around my room. I picked up my desk and i threw it against my bedroom wall. Doing this scared me at how strong i was getting i was also angry that my mum left me when she knew something was wrong.


I had cut my hand in the mad dash i had five minutes ago so i got an old shirt and wrapped it round my hand to stem the blood flow. This was my next strange encounter...

I unwrapped my hand expecting to see a big gash flowing with blood but when i finally removed the shirt i found nothing. I turned my hand over again and again but still found nothing so i looked at my other hand hoping to see that i had gotten mixed up bit no such look. This for some reason made me more angry which got so bad that i started to shake and i gripped the sink glancing up at the mirror thinking i saw something but what i saw shocked me beyond screams. I blacked out...


So chapter 2 has finished. I know they are awfully short and not very interesting but i hope that will change as i make progress. Thank you if you have read these so far and not given up on me...much love. Please



An read on <3


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