Chapter 4

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Hello people, i know it has been over a week since i last updated and i apologise to those people who are enjoying the story. Originally i did have some other work but as i have lost it i will have to start this chapter as i am writing it now.

As i said in the last note i am going to dedicate this story to Jessie-Chan because she was the first person to comment on my story so far. The chapter after this will be dedicated to Katie Tanner because she is the second person to comment and it makes me so happy when people comment and tell me what i can do to improve the story so if anyone else is thinking of new ideas then please mail me or comment. Thank you all so much for your time and patients and i will now stop babbling and get on with the story...



Logan's P.O.V

When we got to the street that Cherry lives on i could smell her so clearly and my wolf was telling me that i should stop waiting around and go take her as my- our own but i knew if i did that then i would be an idiot as Jack would not be as understand if i mated her without his permission so i knew what i had to do.,,I had to ask Jack before we went in the house to meet her,

I took a deep breath and turned to look at Jack in the passenger seat next to me. "Jack I have something I need to ask and tell you" he raised his eyebrows which I took as a indication to carry on..."ever since your daughter turned 18 I have been detecting the scent of my mate and I think its time to tell you...Cherry is my mate and with your permission as father and Alpha I would like your approval to mate her when she has the chance to find out who we and I am" I looked away outside the window expecting him to blow his top and fight me to the death but no...his reaction suprised me in so many ways I was left speechless at first.

Jack started bouncing up and down in his seat and he started yelling, the look on his face would have made any human think he was having a heart attack but to us were's we knew different. "OF COURSE YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION DEAR BOY!! I would rather have you as a son than any other dingleberry in the world!!" To say I was shocked was an understatement I thought that i was going to have a heart attack never mind Jack!! When his reaction settled in my mind i felt it safe to say that i looked like the chesher cat who got all the cream and pipe he could get. Unfortunately my world came crashing down on me..."don't get to excited Alpha, she may not even accept being a Were never mind finding her mate and her dad in the same amount of time"



Cherry's P.O.V

I had started another attack on my poor furniture when there was a knock on the door dragging me from my daze. I wasn't sure whether to be mad at the intruder or thankful but when i went into the hallway i caught a wiff of something so sweet and gorgeous that i settled on thankful. There was a voice inside my head that was telling me to "hurry the damn up and open the freaking door!!" I felt complied to do as the voice obeyed so i wasted no time in unlocking the door to two men.



Logan's P.O.V

I was planning on taking things slow but when i saw her i knew i couldn't resist touching her and when i saw her eyes we started walking towards each other until she was close enough to touch and so i held her hands and looked deeper into her eyes until i realised that she now knew what we was and what she was. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist so my hardness was resting against her perfectly toned ass. I let out a deep rumble from deep in my chest to which she responded with a groan of her own. At this time I forgot about anyone that may be in the room and I ran up the stairs going straight to her room.

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