Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


They all stared at me like I was from another planet, “well is anyone guna answer me or just sit staring at me catching flies?” Logan was the first to respond and blinked closing his mouth but he had is eyes glued to my forehead everyone else started shuffling around coughing and saying sorry but they still couldn’t stop looking at my forehead. “Cherry where are these tattoos coming from? I’ve never seen anything like this in my whole two hundred years of life!” Peter said this with a look of shock in his face, we stood staring at him for five minutes then my dad coughed and we all looked at him. He had a huge grin on his face and he jumped up grabbing Peter and running to the back door with a phone his hand, they didn’t stop to explain and everyone just stood staring at the back door waiting for them to return. As no one was doing anything except creeping me out I got up and motivated myself by making everyone coffee’s.


~Half an hour later~


It was only half an hour later when the back door slammed open and in piled my dad and Peter with a man and woman following him. The man was tall with sandy hair that reached the collar of his shirt and flicked out at the end he wore tight fitting jeans, a snug top that clung to his chest. To finish off his look he had a grey D&G hat that he wore to the side and had SP on the back in black writing the same as the D&G. The woman that was behind him had her long purple hair covering her face so I couldn’t really see her face. Through her hair I could see her ears and I noticed that they had a little point at the top which made me think of a pixie but then I noticed she had a blue pulsing aura and I instantly knew she was a fairie.

I shook my head and stood up and walked over to them. “Hiya I’m Cherry welcome to my home” I addressed the man and woman offering my hand to them both but instead of shaking my hand they both bowed to me for a minute then stood up. I looked around the room and saw my reaction masked onto everyone’s face.

“Thank you, your highness, I am Robert the second, I am a wolf and this here is Vickee my wife who is a fairie. Thank you for welcoming us into your home. We had to come see for ourselves what your father here was on about. I hope you don’t mind but my wife would like examine you thoroughly so she can explain in full what you are?”

I was a little wary at first but when I saw their warm open faces I knew right away that I could trust them both. “No I don’t mind, shall we do it here or go somewhere more private??” I addressed Vickee and she smiled at me opening her mouth to talk for the first time, “if you wouldn’t mind somewhere more private would help a lot. Do you have a library, well silly question I know” my mouth dropped when she started speaking and all I could do was stare at her for a minute because her voice was soft yet it sounded like there was a little tinkle of a bell ringing when she talked. “erm…no I don’t have a library” “hmm…” she looked thoughtful then closed her eyes in a state of concentration, “ah it seems that you have a hidden underground room, I think that that will be a great place to do this”. She walked into the front room and I followed dragging Logan along with me for support.

When we reached the front room I noticed Vickee stood at the fireplace running her slender fingers along the underside of the mantel piece and a minute later I guess she found what she was looking for because she let out a little squeak and the fireplace began splitting in to opening and revealing a stone passage tunnel. Both me and Logan gasped and started moving forward until we was at the entrance. Vickee’s hand started to glow and she chucked the light ball into the tunnel where it showed more stones. I grabbed onto Logan’s hand as we all started to move into the tunnel. It wasn’t long before we reached a big oak door. I grabbed the knob and turned it to find it locked. I looked around and noticed a loose rock in the wall and when I pulled it out there was a scroll wrapped with string and a key next to it. I took the scroll out and the key and the light hovered over my head so I could open the scroll.


jak čtete tento Vím, že jsem mrtvý. Domnívám se, že bude Cherry, jak budete potřebovat vědět něco o sobě. Jak jste si asi vypracoval nejste normální dítě a nikdy nebude, také si všimli není mnoho lidí, jsou lidé. Klíč, který jste našli tento dopis, otevře dveře, které jsou před vámi nyní. Všechno, co se tam bude všechno vysvětlit a pokud chcete vědět, pak tam jsou nějaké dokumenty, které vám vysvětlí vaši budoucnost. Nebudete muset číst, ale zatím za deset let budete needyo a doufám, že ano.

Nakonec Pokud nemůžete pochopit pak se Vickee to přeložit. Přeji vám a vaší rodině i Cherry, to by bylo na Těší mě osobně, ale musí splňovat někdy brzy.

Edwin Chaplin Brocklevitch


I tried to read this and make sense of it but I couldn’t understand the language. I knew my family originated from West Slavic but I never took up the language. I showed it to Vickee as I thought she may be able to read it. When she read it she smiled then hovered her hand over it and I saw that the words changed into English and when it had completed she handed it to me and me and Logan both read it together.


As you are reading this i know that i am dead. I suspect it will be Cherry as you will need to know about yourself. As you have probably worked out you are not a normal child and never will be, you also have probably noticed not many people are human. The key that you have found with this letter will open the door that is in front of you now. Everything that is in there will explain everything and if you want to know then there are some documents that will explain your future. You won't need to read it yet but in ten years you need to and I hope you do.


Finally if you cannot understand this then get Vickee to translate it. I wish you and your family well Cherry, it would of been nice to meet you in person but we shall meet sometime soon.


Edwin Chaplin Brocklevitch


I looked up at Logan and noticed he looked scared I guessed this was what I looked like as I knew I felt terrified. I tried to give the key to Vickee to open the door but she shook her head and smiled “A great witch has put a spell on the door and only you can open the door, when your ready of course” with that she moved aside and I walked up to the door and put the key in the lock taking a deep breath. I unlocked and opened the door, instantly the lights came on and the fire roared to life.

I stepped inside the room and my breath was taken away by what I saw. I saw shelves and shelves of old books and a grand fireplace with leather sofa’s surrounding it. There was a desk with paper work and official looking documents, the walls were a deep red with wood on the bottom half I guessed the wood was made out of oak and that all the wood furniture was made of the same.


~hahaha well I hope this was okay I know its been ages since I uploaded last and I apologise just lots of coursework and Christmas J



xxxxxx ~

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