Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Vickee’s P.O.V

We woke in what seemed like ten minutes later but turned out to be ten hours. I looked over to where I last saw Cherry and Logan but noticed that Cherry wasn’t there.

I started to get up when I smelt the most wonderful smell in the world…eggs and bacon. I closed my eyes and leaned back wondering whether I should go upstairs and help Cherry or just sit and wake Logan up. The question was answered when I heard Cherry dish up, I realised she wouldn’t be long so I decided to wake Logan up.

“Logan hunny, Logan” I shook his shoulder gently whispering his name quietly but he only frowned and turned over in the chair. I shook him a little more before getting impatient, “Logan!! Get your lazy backside up right now!!” that seemed to do the trick as no sooner had I shouted his name he jumped up chucking the blanket across the room, his eyes frantic searching for his mate. “Cherry?! Vickee where is Cherry?!?!?!?!?!” he sounded desperate when he said this and his eyes had started to water at whatever thoughts were going through his mind. I took his shoulders in my hands and started to rub them “Logan, don’t worry, listen…in the other room what do you hear?” I let that sink in and when he had heard what I wanted him to his shoulders relaxed and the worry left his face. I pushed him back into his chair before he fell down.

Almost as if Cherry heard our conversation (she probably had) she came through into the room with three plates floating in front of her and a big grin on her face. The look on Logan’s face must have matched what was showing on mine. We both looked at each thinking the same –how on earth is she doing that? -  it was like she had read our minds because with a wave of her hand the plates settled on the coffee table and she turned to us to explain, “this morning I woke from a strange dream and decided to explore, I went over to the bookshelf and I was stood there just looked when all of a sudden a book flew out at me and landed in my arms. I was going to put it back but when I took a step towards the shelf a force field thing was just…there and I couldn’t move. I decided that while you two was snoring” she squinted at us “I may as well take a look. I opened the first to pages and realised that it was a spell book but a note was written in the same handwriting as that letter but it was in English this time. It explained that I had been conceived as part of a witch’s spell and so I carried witch blood inside me and if I wanted I could develop my powers if I practiced with an easy spell. And so this is what I have been doing until now. It’s actually a good job you didn’t come into the kitchen; you would have had a big shock.”

I couldn’t find any words to explain the shock I was feeling, I didn’t realise what I had done to help conceive Cherry would make her a witch I just thought that she would have a healthy lifestyle and that be that. I didn’t know whether or not now was the right time to tell her it was my fault she was part witch but what harm could it do to her knowing the truth?

“Well you see Cherry…I was the witch that helped your parents conceive you as they was having a lot of difficulties. I hope this doesn’t make you mad?”

I twiddled my thumbs waiting for the information to sink in. I studied her face and at first she showed confusion then shock as it hit her then she just looked at me and grinned. “Now why on earth would I be mad? You have made me the most individual person in the whole magikal world! This is freakin awesome!!” She jumped on me and gave me a hug laughing the whole time, I laughed with her but then I could hardly breathe so I pushed her away and made her sit down, “look let’s eat this food that you used magik to help you”. We all shut up and tucked in.

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