Chapter 6&7

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Chapter 6

Cherry's P.O.V

When i woke up i noticed i had lots of energy and my body was telling me to get up and shift. I opened my eyes and found i had to blink a few times before i could focus on the ceiling above my head. When i could see clearly i saw the light flooding in through the gaps in the blinds. I looked around sensing someone else in the room. I looked to the left and found gorgeous bright eyes staring at me.

"Hello Logan" he got up and walked over to me taking my small hand in his large one. "Hello my darling, it's so good to see you awake finally!" i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at him questionally. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed playing with my fingers whilst deep in thought. "After your dad told you about your mum and sisters you got giddy and started jumping around" he looked at me with amusement in his eyes which i rolled mine at, "after that you forgot to breathe and so you fainted." He looked sad as he said this. "So if i only fainted then why do you look so sad?" he looked up from my fingers into my eyes, "Baby, you've been out and un-responsive for the past five days" I let out a huge gasp and realised that was the reason i wanted to shift so badly and why i couldnt remember anything.

After our little conversation Logan gave me a hug and a small kiss which i returned with passion and i'm pretty sure would have led things to go further but i heard someone moving around downstairs, "who's here??" he smiled at me "Your father and your sisters with their families. They arrived yesterday" With this news i jumped out of bed, chucked some clothes on and ran to the stairs.


Chapter 7

Cherry's P.O.V

When i got down the stairs i headed straight for the kitchen where all the noise was coming from. The sight i saw when i opened the door made me smile, Jack was on one stool laughing along with  a long brown haired woman who was sat next to him with a short blonde haired woman. They was all laughing at a man around Logan's age who was chasing a little...i realised with a start the child kept changing his/her gender.

The first person to notice me was Jack, i mean dad *wow thats guna be hard to get used to* my wolf piped up then. I shook my head and told her to shush. When i got no response from her i looked back at my dad and saw he was smiling at me. I smiled back and he got up to talk to me but then the two women looked at dad then followed his gaze to me. When i saw their faces clearly there was no doubt in my mind that they were my sisters. They let out a loud squeal and pounced on me. I laughed and screamed as they doggy piled on top of me. The little...girl as she was now stopped running around and he joined the pile. The man who was chasing her stood and started laughing so much he doubled over with tears streaming down his face. All the commotion brought Logan running down the stairs to see what the noise was about. He stood in the door way looking at the pile in the middle of the room. "Do i want to know why you are all on top of my mate?" He tried to make this sound like he was mad but it just made me giggle more which set everyone off.

After ten minutes we had calmed down with the man chuckling to himself. I stood up and went over to Logan where he wrapped me in his arms telling me he loves me and kissing my cheek which made me feel very happy. I looked at the group of people who were sat around my kitchen table. So who are you all?? The blonde woman stood up first, "I'm Megan and i am your oldest sister by 4minutes, this here is my mate Peter and the little child is ours and is called Sam. She is a hybrid because Peter is half-Vampire and half-Werewolf. We don't exactly know why she can change her gender but we love her no matter what" she smiled at her family with love radiating off her body and it took over the air in the room making me feel giddy. Next was the brown haired woman, "I'm Chelsea-Leigh, the middle child being born 2minutes after Megan, i haven't found my mate yet but i'm in no rush" i smiled at them all and introduced myself, "Well i'm Cherry-Star, i've just found my mate but i havent shifted yet but from what i understand i will change tomorrow?" they all nodded their heads and smiled at me.

"Okay so i guess i will be in your pack now?? Whats the pack name?? Also what does it mean that i'm the Alpha's daughter??" They smiled at all of my questions and indicated that i should sit down. As there wasn't any other chairs i decided that sitting in the living room would be more comfortable. I brought down some books for Sam and she stayed female sitting quietly in the corner while we talked. Dad started talking, "yes it would be suitable if you was in our pack and instead of uprooting you the pack has moved back here. The pack is called The Blue Moon pack because when our generation first shifted it was during the Blue Moon and so this has been our name since. As you are the Alpha's daughter but being the youngest it would mean nothing in particular unless both of your sisters passed but because Megan has a family to take care of she doesn't want anything to do with the Alpha/Luna jobs. Because Chelsea hasn't found her mate she doesn't want any responsibilities and so it falls to you if you want it, you have got your mate who will make a good Alpha and as you have mated this would be automatic if you took the role of being the Luna to the Blue Moon pack. The Luna's job is the same as the Alpha it's just Luna is the term for the females." I sunk further into the back of the love seat, man this is a lot to take in but then again being the Luna of a pack sounds pretty good..."is there any dangers to being the Luna?" He took a deep breath before answering me, "there shouldn't be but we do have one enemy and thats the Dark Sun pack, their Luna is a were called Amber, she has got it against our pack because we didn't let her be the Luna of this pack. Just be careful when it comes to her please? I hope this hasn't wavered you towards not taking the responsibility?" I smiled and shook my head, "no i'm not going to let a spoilt child like that ruin my enjoyment" and with that i declared myself the Luna of the pack and what happened next suprised me.

When i said i would be the Luna everyone gasped and i felt a tingling sensation on my forehead. "what? Why's everyone staring at me?" I looked at Logan and he silently handed me the mirror. There in the middle of my forehead was half a moon, the outline was dark blue and the inside was shaded light blue, my eyes went big and nearly popped out of my head. "Wha-what's happened? Why is there a freaking moon on my head?!?!?!?!"


Well there we go people here's a cliffhanger to keep you on edge for a couple of days mwahahaha i am so evil but you all love me :P

Till next time <3 XxMissCharlieKinsxX <3


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