Insomnia Realization

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He jumped a little in shock from my voice, then smiled. I knew he was looking at my eyes, everyone does. I was born with purple eyes. It was rare. My blonde hair and soft lips were normal, how come my eyes weren't? I've always wondered this.
    I was the one talking. He just sat and listened. He was a good listener. He smiled when I spoke Irish. I think he liked my blas accent.  My mum knocked on the door and told me it was time for bed. Matt and I said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I shut off the computer and walked across the hardwood floor to my bed. I flopped onto my queen size bed with black and white striped bedding. I looked around my room. My four bookshelves covered in books. My arched doorway eating the darkness. My lamps giving off little light. My posters looking down at me. My desk with my Dell computer, humming softly.
I pulled my covers up and closed my eyes. I tossed and turned like the sea, but I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his face.
And in that moment I realized something. That I loved him.

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