Goodbye Ireland

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Once I finished my dad was already in the car. I threw my bag into the trunk and got into the passenger's side.

"Are you sure you're ready?" he said concerned.

I just smiled and nodded. He went into reverse and drove to the airport.

"I got you a passport already. So don't worry about it." he said handing it to me.

I shoved it in my pocket and looked forward at the binding road that lead us to the airport.

When we arrived I sat in the car for a moment. I was kinda scared. I looked at my dad. He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"You'll be okay." he said.


I slowly climbed out of the car and popped the trunk, retrieving my bag. My dad rolled down the window.

"I love you. Make sure to tell Matt that you are coming. He needs to be there to pick you up." he said with sly grin.

I nodded.

"I love you too. Bye dad!" I said waving as I walked into the building filled with hundreds of people. I went through security and went to my gate. The next flight wasn't until 6:30. I looked down at my phone clock. 4:14. I groaned and sat down in a seat. I was the only one there. I opened my bag and pulled out a pen and a napkin I had stuffed in a pocket. I began to draw the face I had only seen through the screen and was about to see face to face. A older women came and sat down next to me.

"You are very good at drawing." she said quietly.

I smiled and continued drawing.

Once it reached 6:15 they started letting people in. I grabbed my bag and carefully put my drawing in my pocket along with my pen. I gave the lady at the desk my ticket.

"Have a nice flight." she said with a fake smile.

I nodded and walked down the long never ending hallway to machine that was going to take me to the love of my life.

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