The summoning

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Emily Fields is waking up in her home. As she goes on her morning walk with her dog there seems to be very little separating her from any other American family. However certain others would he able to tell that in her right arm, the 14 generation old magic circuits of the Fields family are underneath the skin. Hundreds of techniques and mana/prana storages are held in it. The result of lifetimes research into magic. Techniques enhanced, branches of magic learned, mana/prana held increased and its usage made more efficient. All of this now in the right arm of the heir to the Fields family. For now though Emily is a normal citizen. Though there is one other thing not all mages have, indeed something that's considered a once in a life time opportunity. Upon the back of her right hand are 3 marks forming a whole image. 3 command seals granted to those the grail considers worthy to fight for it. The responsibility of fighting for this grail has fallen to her now as the heir to the Fields family. Even when she's not yet 30, just recently becoming a legal adult. Now she returns home to fulfill that duty. Down into the basement where her family had conducted it's research and now walking to the carefully prepared magic circle. On the other side of it is an object important to the summoning. An object to link with a certain Heroic spirit. Then she says the summoning incantation

"Silver and iron are the essence. Stone and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill.
Repeat five times.
Then destroy each once filled.
I announce.
My will is your self, and my fate lies on your sword.
In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you follow this reason, then answer.
Here is my oath. I will be all the good in the world, I will destroy all the evil in the world.
You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance!" As she says it an intense pain enters the magic circuits as if her soul were being torn out of her then into another world and an equally intense light shines from the magic circle. Then the pain disappears and as her eyes are still adjusting to the sudden disappearance of light a voice says from the magic circle, "So a woman is to be my new lord. Things have indeed changed from my time then. Though I did once face a warrior queen." The voice doesn't have irritation in it that would suggest they're unhappy with the pact, just amusement. Emily replies to this "Indeed. I, Emily Fields, am to be your master in this war. Heroic Spirit Achilles"

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