So this is the Holy Grail War

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Rider goes into his physical form and deflects the spear tip. Lancer brings the butt of the spear at rider's head. The attack is dodged and an overhead swing is made. Lancer blocks it then pushes back his enemy. "No easy enemies huh? Well that's fine. Wouldn't want my skills to dull on easy kills." Then the servants are fighting. Emiya watches, now seeing a servant's abilities first hand. He watches captivated so for a minute or so until "Form: Volley." He turns, seeing a bunch of projectiles coming at him, too many to handle individually. "Trace-" the first arrow is almost to his chest. "On!" The reinforcement magic his father had taught him now flows through his clothing. He crosses his arms infront of his head as its the only part not covered. Arrows break or fall off on him. He lowers his arms to look for his attacker. Immediately seeing a girl with an earthen sword held 2 handed coming at his head. He moves out of the way but gets a small cut on his cheek. He kicks at her and she blocks with the sword. The reinforcement holds and prevents his leg from being cut off. She strikes his torso with her hand then the 2 watch each other, finally the girl says "Where are my manners. My name is Emily Fields. Heir of the fields family." Emiya tells her "Kiritsugu Emiya the 2nd. Heir of the Emiya family I suppose." Emily says quietly "Kiritsugu... Emiya..." Then she pushes back any thoughts of the magus killer she had heard of and read of, then says "well now that introductions are out of the way." Then she crosses the distance and raises the sword. Emiya prepares to block by crossing his arms. While his eyes are covered she suddenly changes the attack into a kick. Emiya stumbles back a bit then says "damn it..." Before repeating the words "Trace on." And a sword forms in his own hands, his projections had never reached the same level as his father's but they would do. He goes on the offensive now, overhead, backhand, stab, side... then on that side Emily gets too close for either sword to be effective and throws a left hook at Emiya's head. He catches it and throws her at a wall. She recovers in mid air and jumps off the wall. Swinging again as she comes at Emiya. He blocks. Emily's momentum makes her go over him and she swings at his back. He uses reinforcement again but not soon enough to avoid another small injury. Emily lands now and the 2 face eachother.

Rider pushes lancer's stab down then slides his blade up the spear shaft. Lancer ducks under the blade then as he's standing he punches at rider's side. Rider blocks that with his arm. Then lancer stabs again but his arm is caught so the 2 are in an odd grip for a bit before Lancer sees that rider's sword could simply come down at him so he kicks rider back. Lancer quickly attacks again and it lands but did not have enough strength behind it to pierce the armor on Rider who now swings 2 handed at Lancer's neck. Lancer forms his sword again and deflects the attack.

Then both battles are interrupted. The source of interruption being the sound of a car coming at the battle site. Now that she takes the time to look around Emily remembers it had almost been sunset when she attacked. Emily sighs at yet another unfinished battle and mentally contacts Lancer "You know what to do." At that, Lancer unleashes a flurry of attacks that forces Rider back then in the lull in the battle that follows he goes to Emily's side. "Well. Goodbye." She says vocally to the other pair. Then Achille's modern clothes appear and the 2 leave that street. Emiya notices how fatigued he is and leans against a wall now. His servant comes over "are you hurt?" Emiya says "A bit but it's nothing serious." Then he says to himself "So. This is the Holy Grail War..."

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