Names from days past

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Hikari (for anybody that might speak Japanese. I just typed light into a Japanese dictionary so sorry if this is the incorrect word) walks through the part of fuyuki with western influenced buildings. Someone following her, a magus named Edward, says "Then everything's going well kotomine?" Hikari Kotomine looks at him "Yes." She had gotten some of the disregard for others and such from her grandfather, but speaking of her grandfather there were a few things she cared about like a normal person "But please don't call me by my grabs father's family name. Rather, I prefer Hortensia." Kotomine/Hortensia Hikari was a magus as well, though she had gotten training in martial arts and using normal weapons in addition to her magic education. The man following her is strictly a mage, though he doesn't strictly follow the rules of the association all the time. Also, Hikari was the one who sent archer a few nights ago, as the command seals on her hand testify to. Speaking of which she now gets a mental contact from archer 'I found the master of rider and some basic info on him.' Hikari responds 'tell me then' archer says 'It was some person named Emiya Kiritsugu the 2nd. Red hair but other than that he looked like the people of this land' Hikari is a bit interested by the name, she had heard it mentioned a few times, the 1st kiritsugu was quite notorious to mages, even now long after his death. Him and his son had actually participated in these wars, in any case 'that leaves berserker, and assassin unseen. Makes sense considering berserker's upkeep and hard control, as for assassin, well they'll need to wait for a good opportunity most likely.' At this point though archer had lost some interest in the words. All this scheming and plotting would take the fun out of his 2nd life

Kiritsugu the 2nd is currently walking around in the eastern styled part of fuyuki. Following him is a man whose outfit would have raised some questions, if anyone other than his master and other servants could detect him that is. If that man were in his physical form his armor, white and red clothes, as well as his sword, would have raised quite a few questions at the least. Despite the notorious reputation of the magus killer that you might expect anyone of his family to carry on. This kiritsugu is inexperienced and, figuratively, has drawn a line in the ground that he would refuse to cross.

Which is probably a good thing considering rider is a saint and is at his best when defending others. If kiritsugu the 2nd had operated as an assassin who'll do anything to kill his enemies. Well the 2 wouldn't be compatible enough to fight side by side and rider is at his strongest with master nearby since he would be defending his master.

Kiritsugu Emiya the 2nd is the biological son of Shirou Emiya and the legal grandson of Kiritsugu Emiya the 1st. Though he never got a chance to meet the original kiritsugu...

Kiritsugu the 2nd is more of a magus than the magus killer. Yet he doesn't quite have the same reasoning as other mages all the time. For example, if the only way for one of his future children to learn magic was to send them into an abusive and cruel household. He would simply let them live life as a normal human.

In battle he might be unorthodox sometimes, but he likes to fight straight forward with minimal damage to surroundings. For example he wouldn't blow up a hotel to kill one mage.

Anyway. He had recieved the command seals a month ago in a magic class. A week later he had his catalyst and was starting to summon his servant. That servant being Saint George.

Kiritsugu the 2nd sighs a bit. He had prepared for the war itself later than other masters. He had arrived at one of the worst times so far to gather info. Practically right after the names of lancer and saber were announced.

He looks up with closed eyes and slowly opens them. Then freezes. A servant had managed to sneak up in spirit form and now stands on a roof above him. The spear in his hand held casually. Lancer grins at them.

'How could I be so foolish.' Thinks kiritsugu the 2nd. 'Walking around in the middle of the night with my command seals out for all to see and I'm not ready for an attack. Maybe next I can expect all of the other masters to force their servants to kill themselves.' Lancer nods as if he had gotten an order. "Alright." Then he jumps down at kiritsugu. Spear tip aimed in between his eye's

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