2nd battle of the Holy Grail War

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The 20 arrows are launched from archer's bow

The servants suddenly realize someone was attacking and go to defend their occupied masters. Arrows are deflected, blocked, cut, etc. As they come at the mages. Lancer calls out, hoping the servant would be within ear shot. "Enough of this. If you wish to fight then fight."

Then another volley comes and this time a small cut is made on lancer and saber. Lancer seems surprised that it cut. Archer, now materialized on a nearby rooftop, comments "so your noble phantasm isn't as resistant to either arrows or poison, perhaps a mix of both? Well that makes things simpler for me."

Lancer recovers and says "and who will be joining this battle now." Archer says "I will not give my name so easily." Lancer shrugs "It was worth a shot." Archer replies "Not really. You two though, I believe I can guess. Grecian armor, skilled with the spear and the sword, seemingly invincible but weak to my arrows, your appearance, the air around you that would let you shine in a crowd of heroes, you must be Achilles. Then you saber, skilled with the sword though that is a requirement for the saber class, that armor from the dark ages, the attitude and fighting style of a perfect chivalrous knight, that sword like the sister of a certain golden blade, your own special air as if you were the embodiment of the sun, you must be Gawain of the round table." Saber says "I see you have quite a good mind. Then why-" "Why would I show myself to the two other great knight classes? Well you see, I do have a wish for the grail I suppose, but I'm more interested in having some fun, if I happen to grant my wish and the wish of my master in the process, all the better." Lancer smiles wider than he was already "In that regard we are alike then. I am fortunate enough to have lenient master." Archer smiles back "Yes. I saw you and the pretty little lady going around the city. However wasn't there to be a fight right now." Lancer says "Of course."

Then all the servants' shapes disappear to the masters, replaced by vague movement and the sound of metal clashing.

Archer and Lancer are grinning as they fight. Archer deflects the sword of Lancer and jumps back, shooting arrows as he does. Saber rushes at where Archer will land but has to turn in order to defend against the spear thrust from Lancer. Another arrow volley forces the two to separate and then Saber finishes his rush against Archer who blocks with a dagger before holding out an arm with a crossbow on it. Saber jumps back just in time to avoid the poisonous bolt. Then Archer has to lean back as far as he can to avoid the sword of Lancer who then has to use his spear to stop the sword of Saber. Lancer gets out of this disadvantageous position between two servants while deflecting another bolt shot from the wrist crossbow. Archer repeats his jump back and shoot tactic but with shots meant to hold back rather than kill. As he lands a yew tree begins to grow. Before they can react it begins spreading poison around the area. Lancer and Saber quickly destroy but not without taking some damage from the poison. Then Lancer engages Archer again and manages to get a cut on Archer's right arm.

The servants keep fight like this, and every time one was about to die the 3rd would attack the back of the winner before they could finalize that victory. Eventually all of them have used too much mana to stay in physical form if this continues any longer and so one by one each shifts to defending them self or their master until all of them are on the defensive. When they realize this they relax. Archer says "So you 2 are exhausted of sufficient magic energy as well." Lancer laughs a bit "Speak for yourself, I could go a few more rounds." Though he makes no move to attack again. Saber just answers "Indeed, I fear if this battle continues it will simply result in 2 defenseless masters and all of ours out of the war." Emily is about to speak up, being proud about her abilities as a mage, but remembers how she had seen 3 servants fight so far and hadn't been able to keep track of a single one once they started, if one of those servants attacked her without Lancer protecting her... she remains silent. Archer grins again "Well that was certainly a fun night. I look forward to seeing you all and fighting you two again." Then he turns into spirit form and disappears. Emily and Oichi look at each other awkwardly for a bit as they were enemies but it seemed they could fight no longer this night. Then Emily tells her "We'll finish our duel another time. Lancer if you would please." He nods then picks her up and leaves at that high speed again.

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