the 4th pair

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A teen boy is walking around town. He is Celtic as is the man following him. That man now speaks "Arthur, there have been 2 engagements so far. When shall we take action?" Arthur says "They will come when they come." They walk a bit more then arthur says "Set, who were the engagements between?" Cu chulainn is not used to hearing his birth name and certainly not a shortened version so he takes a bit to realize his master adressed him. "Ah, the first time it seemed to be Lancer and Saber. Lancer's master is a Caucasian girl with red hair, she was also tall. The 2nd time was between all the knight classes. Saber's master is the tohsaka girl. I did not see Archer's master." Arthur replies "How powerful do you think they were?" Cu chulainn tells his master "I do not think this will be an easy fight. It would seem that Lancer is the invincible Achilles and Saber is one of the knights of the round table, Gawain. Archer's identity is not revealed for certain but I have my suspicions." At that moment Emily and Achilles walk from around the bend in the street. Caster begins to get into a defensive position in case they attack but he remembers the great care she took for secrecy after the first battle and relaxes. The masters he had seen were traditional mages and no mage would use magic out in the open in broad daylight. He relaxes enough so that as the 2 pairs pass, the servants give eachother grins as if they were old friends sharing a silent joke.

Emily says to Lancer once they're passed "That was a servant right?" She was already fairly certain but it never hurt to be sure. Achilles nods "It was a servant." Emily looks back and focuses until the other pair is around the bend then she keeps walking normally "judging by his basic stats I'd say he's caster, though his agility and strength was oddly high for a caster." Achilles thinks about that for a second "an interesting enemy. Skilled enough in magic to be summoned as caster yet if what you say is true then they must have been a renowned warrior as well." Emily agrees.

Oichi had been looking around the city with familiars for other servants and masters. She then had the same discussion with Gawain that Lancer and Emily just did. She decides to do research on this new servant and sits with one of her books.

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