The 3rd servant

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The night again brings lancer and saber face to face. This time Emily is more cautious and sets up a bounded field to keep normal people away. As she's watching again 5 magic shots suddenly come at her. Emily turns already using one of her magics. Everything slows. Or at least it seems to. Really she's just taking in what's happening much faster than usual so it all seems slow to her. She identifies exactly where the shots are coming from and uses another magic. "Form: Blade." The ground beneath her is filled with magic energy and flies into her open hands. Forming 2 swords made out of cement and reinforced with magic. At the same time she's activating a 3rd spell. Lines and runes form on her limbs, increasing their speed and strength. She cuts all of the magic shots before they hit her and decides on where the shots came from. Saying "Form: Volley." Some of the ground then takes the shape of arrows and shoots at her enemy. They all shatter before hitting Oichi. The tohsaka master is stepping forward now from where she was concealed while saying "So you depend on your own quick reactions instead of a prepared bounded field." Emily notices her command seals and says "Saber's master I assume." Oichi nods "Oichi Tohsaka. And who are you then master of lancer?" Emily says "I am Emily fields. I feel privileged to face one of the 3 founding families first." Oichi says "You flatter me. Well. Shall we begin?" And then the masters are fighting next to the servants."

Archer had gotten close as he could without being detected and was watching the battle. He's dressed in clothes of varying green and a cloak that's dark green. His master is communicating via a mind link. Archer says "Take out the masters? What an underhanded master I have. Nah I have no problems with it. It's the most efficient method. I'll begin then." He stands and a yew bow forms in his hand. The other draws back the poisonous arrow as he aims at the masters. "Sorry to interrupt." The arrow flies, followed by 19 more.

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