the calm before the storm

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A young man and a woman are speaking of a war. The man has decided to go, the woman seems prideful and sad at the same time. That same man is now at the front of a charge against huge walls and the army defending them. He is the most noticeable person in both armies. Even having other heroes side by side with him. Then the man facing another one in front of a gate. His heart full of vengeance. The 2 duel and the other man is killed, then-

Emily wakes up. She sits up and her heart is racing. When her body is calm again she looks at the other bed where the same young man from the dream is now asleep. She then looks to the window and sees the sun beginning to rise. She gets up and begins getting ready for another day of the fuyuki grail war.

Meanwhile inside a house that's surrounded by a high quality magic security system. Another master is going over what she saw yesterday. Noting things she hadn't noticed before. Eventually Oichi Tohsaka, heir of the Tohsaka family, finishes the mental replays and opens her blue eyes. She looks at her servant and despite having replayed the moment for the last half hour she ask "did you notice anything out of the ordinary?" Saber replies to her "There was one thing my lady." Oichi ask "and that was?" Saber says "I believe some of my attacks at least should have made small cuts, yet my enemy was unharmed at the end." Oichi responds "indeed. I suspected the same, Gawain. So this enemy must have some ability that lets them avoid harm from at least some of your attacks. Most likely a noble phantasm." Gawain says "I agree." Oichi states, partially to herself "our top priority for now is to find out what that ability is. Also their base statistics seemed very high. It must have been a Heroic Spirit of great skill and renown. I will look into stories that could be lancer. You should continue patrolling, I won't be able to study and look through my familiars at the same time." Gawain bows "As you wish." Then he fades into spirit form. Oichi picks a book and sits down with it.

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