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Emily steps into the fuyuki airport with Lancer (Achilles). As they pass people they earn some looks. Well more than some actually. For a few reasons. Emily is already tall so she would have been easier to notice anyway but red hair is not common in this country. Neither is the blonde on lancer's head. Then Achilles just had a certain air about him, in the Trojan war he was that hero who could stand out next to other heroes. Finally, both master and servant are quite attractive. Each gaining more attention from the opposite gender. Achilles, having been a great hero, is used to it, Emily shows no sign of it but she's not used to this much attention. They travel to where they'll be staying. A hotel since they didn't have homes here like the 3 families that started the war, and renting a house for a 2 week activity would be ridiculous. Emily begins setting up a bounded field to alert her of potential threats entering the area. Achilles says "Do you have a plan now Emily?" She responds "Now" she sits on one of the beds, "we wait for confirmation that the last 3 servants are summoned. If you want to stay in physical form that's fine. I have little else to use mana on until the battles begin, besides I don't really want to hide in the shadows the whole time like some of the others." Achilles says "I personally have no problems with that course of action but don't masters usually do some more before the war?" Emily answers "what's the point of monitoring people right now except to discover if they have a servant. The only locations certain to have a pair are the tohsaka, matou, and einzbern homes but we already know they'll have servants. I'll wait until people are actually putting plans into motion before I send out familiars. For now you can explore the modern world if you want, or if you want to stay here you could read this." As she finishes speaking she tosses a book. Achilles catches it then turns it so he's looking at the front. The cover says "The Iliad".

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