Story Time #5

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Ok, I already told WrongAdviser this earlier when we are talking but I had to tell you guys.

So last night my little sister was in my room and talking to me trying to tell me a story of how one of her friend's cousin had grape juice come out of his nose at church.

She was telling me about how the communion went and when she mentioned the crackers, I asked if she was talking about the Jesus crackers (I call them Jesus crackers since they represent the body of Christ) and she was trying to tell me they were drinking the grape juice and she said "We were drinking the Jesus"

She fell to the floor laughing and I laughed so hard I started having a coughing fit since I'm sick. I laugh every time I think about it omg 😂😂

I really hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed it last night. I'm laughing so hard at school while writing this omg the things I do for you guys. But it's ok cause I love you all ☺️😘💗

Brb while I die again 👋🏻

Let me know what you though, and if I should do those Story Time parts more often ☺️

Love you guys 💗💕

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