Story Time #7

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Ok so at work this morning my coworker goes

"Haylie, the sweet tea is dripping, the drip catcher is completely full."

She goes to help the people at the front and I go in back to grab a container to catch the dripping sweet tea. So I go over and I fix the sweet tea long enough for a customer to get some then I go to fix it better and the nozzle pops off and the sweet tea starts pouring out of the container.

I flip up the container to catch the sweet tea but it's coming out so fast it was filling up quickly so I called for my coworker but she was helping people at the front so my manager, who happens to be my BFF, came over and put her thumb on the thing to stop the sweet tea from pouring out.

Not a lot got on the floor but I had to clean the counter and mop the floor and also brew more sweet tea.

No customers complained, I got some laughs though, from customers and my coworkers.

And that's the story of how I got a sweet tea shower at work.

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