My current lockscreen!

434 28 11

I was tagged by PiedPiper77

Imma be honest. My lockscreen changes almost weekly. Just depends on if I find any pictures I like.

Well my current lockscreen is this:

RawrWilson sent this to me, along with a bunch of other Sebby pics, when I said I was upset or stressed after work the other night and I laughed and when I showed my BFF she almost choked cause she wasn't expecting this so I had to change it to my...

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RawrWilson sent this to me, along with a bunch of other Sebby pics, when I said I was upset or stressed after work the other night and I laughed and when I showed my BFF she almost choked cause she wasn't expecting this so I had to change it to my lockscreen.

Ok I'm suppose to tag 10 people I guess. I CHOOSE YOU!

You don't have to do it if you don't want to but feel welcomed to do it!

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