Chapter 2

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"Mel you have three minutes to wake up before I break your face"
Said mum knocking on the door to wake me up. Guess she was still nervous because of last night.

I opened the door and walked out.

"I'm ready mamma."

"Good. Now leave this house with your father I don't want anyone around when I get that phone call."
Mum was obviously anxious, her anxiety was NOT helping.

"The apple of my life, my loving wife."
Dad said in a mocking tone kissing her forehead.

"Seems like you loved sleeping on the couch."
Mum threatened.

"No ma'am. I love you, have a good day."
Dad smiled and hurried out, I kissed my mum and followed him.

"Boy can you imagine how she'll react when Mrs. Plant give her the job?"
I asked excited.

"She'll lose it. She may pick you up from school and come crashing my hearing session at the court."
Dad joked.

"I have a physics test today, she shall be my guest."

"You better get an A on this test too so that Oxford University would give you a chance, otherwise it'll eat you alive."

"Jee thanks for lifting me up father."

"You're welcome"
Dad chuckled.

Soon I was at school walking through its hallways. Oddly enough, Ashley wasn't waiting me at the parking lot like she always do.

I went to my locker picking up my books for the first period, I had chemistry. No matter how hard I try I shall never love it. It's the only subject I struggle with, and I hate it.

I heard someone yell my name across the hallway, I turned around to see Ashley running towards me.

"I got into the music academy I signed up for!"
She yelled excited holding a piece of paper up her face.

"Wow that's so exciting Ash! Congrats!"
I smiled giving her a hug.

Remember when I first said that everyone had a certain thing he was good at? Well, music is Ashley's thing. She can hit any note you can think of with her eyes closed, she can play the piano, the guitar, the drums, and the violin. She's very talented with instruments it's like you can give her any musical instrument and she can figure out how to use it overnight.

"Heard anything from Oxford yet?!"
She asked excited.

"Not really, why is it taking them so long??"

"I wouldn't worry if I were you, you're the smartest girl in this school, your GCSE score is higher than the fleek on Kylie's eyebrow. Don't worry about it, they'll contact you soon."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Now let's go celebrate me!"

"Can't, I have a class with Mr. Clark. Wish me luck."

"Girl with that teacher you don't need luck, you need blush and tons of mascara. I don't understand how you manage to focus on anything at his period but his biceps."
Ashley said drawling.

"Ew Ash he's like 130 years old."

"He's only 27 don't even right now."

"Whatever freak, I'll catch up with you later."

"Can I pick you up from class??"

"Sure whatever."
I laughed walking away. Mr. Clark was hot, but not THAT hot.

"Morning class."

"Morning Mr. Clark."
The class said in a unified tone, which was kinda freaky.

Melody L'veloiseWhere stories live. Discover now