Call Me Maybe

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

I wake up and immediately notice I'm no longer in contact with Maya.  Did she scoot away from me? I wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark, but she's definately not in bed.  I look at the clock, its just after 5:30am.  Maybe she is in the bathroom? I get up and see that the bathroom door is closed.  I stumble around trying to find my phone.  It rings and rings and I'm sure theres only one ring left before it goes to voicemail when she picks up. 


"Hey, did you leave?" 

"Uhm, yeah I'm down in the parking lot now" I walk out the door without even grabbing shoes. 

"Can you wait there for a minute? I'll be down in a sec" 

"Yeah sure" she says and I hang up.  I don't understand this. She said she likes me, she let me hold her hand.  She didn't say anything when I told everyone we were a couple, well not a couple but "a thing".  We will be a couple soon right? God, why is this so confusing? She let me spoon her last night.  It felt so right.  She fit perfectly next to me.  I make it to the garage and the cement is quite cold on my bare feet.  I scan the parking garage until I see the bright blue of her jeep.  And there she is, leaning up against it, arms crossed.  She looks beautiful, but I think she might be angry.  I just can't seem to read this girl.  

"Hey" I say as I approach her. 

"Hey, sorry I left, I couldn't sleep so I just decided to leave, you were sleeping so I just left" 

"Oh, were you uncomfortable? I could've slept on the floor so you would have more room"

"No don't be ridiculous. I just... I'm kind of an insomniac, it had nothing to do with you" oh ok good.  I mean not good that she's an insomniac but at least she didn't leave because of me.

"So can we maybe talk about something?" I need to know if this can go somewhere.  If not I don't want to waste my time and get too attatched because I know that will happen with this girl. 

"Talk? it's not even 6 am and we're in a parking garage.  And you're not wearing shoes..." I look down at my feet. 

"Well if you need to go home, thats fine, but I really want to talk to you at some point.  Can I come to your place tomorrow maybe?" Her face stiffens, did I say something wrong?

"No, lets just talk now." I nod and she hops into the backseat of her jeap, the top is off so its easy to get in.  I follow and slide in next to her. I turn to face her and she does the same.  "So...?" she says waiting for me to say something. 

"Ok, Maya, so heres the deal.  I'm not very good at this stuff so I'm just gonna say it."


"Okay, so I really like you"

"you already told me that..." she looks at me with those gorgeous dark green eyes and I almost forget what I am trying to say.

"Yeah I know, but like, I REALLY like you. Like I haven't had feelings like this for anyone in a long time, if ever" Her face seems to soften "I know I just met you, and its kind of crazy, but--" 

"here's my number, so call me maybe" she sings. Where the hell did that come from? Oh, I realize what I just said.  I laugh and she does the same.  Her laugh is so great.  Everytime she laughs her eyes seem to lighten.  I want to make her laugh every day and make those eyes lighten permanantly.  

"very good, but seriously, I travel a lot and am really busy but..." I don't even know what I'm trying to say.  I just know I want to spend as much time with her as I can.  She looks at me waiting to finish and I try to find the words. "I'm really no good at this." 

"Harry, I really like you too.  I'm terrible with feelings, I don't really open up to people.  You're lucky I even admitted to liking you.  I don't know what you're trying to get at here but whatever it is just say it" so she does like me.  

"I don't really know what I'm trying to get at either, I just... I want to be with you" there I said it.  Is that what I wanted to say? I don't know but at least it was something. I look at Maya awaiting a response. 

"I want that too" she sounds somewhat unsure, but its enough for me.  I stare into her eyes before I decide what I need to do.

*Maya's P.O.V.*

Oh my god, what is happening? So we're together now? Just like that? I don't really know how these things work.  He is staring into my eyes and I just want to melt.  He starts leaning in, somewhat slowly.  My heartbeat increases and I have butterflies in my stomach, I close my eyes and the second his lips touch mine the butterflies go away, my body is filled with warmth and my left arm wraps behind his neck and his hands move to my waist.  We both pull away and just look at eachother for a little while.  I've never felt like this before.  I feel so alive.  Harry pulls me closer by my waist and we kiss again.  We both open our mouths slightly and our tongues wander and move perfectly together.  It doesn't last long before Harry pulls away.  Shit, am I that bad of a kisser? So much for him wanting to be with me... but his face says otherwise.  His eyes are bright and his dimples are deep. I can't help but mimick the smile.  I try to push it down but it won't budge.

"We should take it slow" he says.  Oh thank god, I've honestly never been in a real relationship before.  

"Yeah, I'll head home now" His face falls a bit, but what did he expect? I would stay here forever?

"Oh, ok, we still on for dinner tomorrow? I mean tonight?" I nod and we both climb out of the car. We hug and kiss goodbye and he watches as I back out of the spot.  As I shift into first gear and start to drive away I shout:

"Call me maybe!" I see his smile in the rearview mirror and I am overcome with a giddy feeling.  This is weird. 

As I drive home my mind is everywhere but the road.  After I almost rear-end someone on the highway I try to shake the thoughts of Harry out of my mind.  When we kissed it just felt so good.  So right.  I notice that I'm smiling just thinking about it.  So is Harry my boyfriend? I don't know, I need to go get some sleep and relax my mind. 

Don't Let Me Go (Harry Styles fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang