The Party

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"That one looks so good!" Perrie squeels.  I look in the mirror.  It's ok I guess.  It's a bit tight and revealing, but I think I can wear it.  I never would have considered it before the accident, but I'm thinner now and it looks alright.  It's a simple black dress, skin tight and reaches mid thigh.  The sleeves go down to just above my elbows and it has a rather low scoop neck.  I'll need some jewelry or something to make it less dull. 

"Ok, I guess I'll wear it.  But what do I do for a shoe?" Perrie searches around her huge closet and comes back with a cute black strappy sandal with silver accents on it.  It's winter but I figure I won't be going outside so it'll be fine.  Thank god we're the same size. 

"Here, this necklace and earings will spice it up a bit." she says handing me dazling jewelry. 

"You'll have to take this off" she says lifting up the key that was resting on my chest and inspects it. 

"Actually, I think I'll just wear the earings" I say and remove her necklace.  There's no way I'm taking this key off. Ever. 

"Ok, you still look hot" she winks "Let me do your makeup now" she says.  Her makeup is always perfect, but she wears a lot, more than I like on myself.

"Not too much ok?" she nods. After several minutes I get to look in the mirror.  It's a little much for me, but I'll admit it looks pretty good.  Some mascara, black eyeliner, and some smoky grey shadow.  

*Harry's P.O.V.* 

"here, you take these, and I'll take the rest" I say to Zayn and he grabs the containers of baked goods. 

"Wow, you really went all out on the baking" he laughs.  I was only planning on making a couple batches, but since Maya was helping and she seemed happy, and after what she had just told me... I just decided to bake as much as I had ingredients for.  

When we get into his flat we set the boxes down on.  I see Maya's wheelchair by the hall.  

"Where are they?" I ask Zayn.  He just shrugs. 

"I think they're getting dressed, but they've been back there forever. Andy! Has Perrie murdered you or something?!" He yells down the hall. 

"We'll be out in a minute! Stop yelling!" Perrie yells back.  Zayn just rolls his eyes.  I hope that's Maya and I one day.  Living together, engaged... I wonder if Maya ever thinks about our future.  I am broken out of my thoughts when I hear the familiar sound of Maya hobbling down the hall.  Her footsteps have a unique pattern because of the odd little limp she has to do in order to walk with that dumb cast. I look down the hall and-- fuck, she looks amazing.  She's lost weight but she's still got amazing curves.  The dress clings to her body and it just looks so hot.  When she comes closer I shut my eyes and fall to the ground.  

I hear Perrie squeal.

"Harry?" Zayn asks concerned.  

"He's fine, just give him a nice kick or something" I hear Maya says.  She pretends that she gets annoyed with my little fainting spells but I know she loves it.  She can't hide that adorable smile. I sit up and look up at her.  She is so sexy standing there with her hands on her hips.  I actually might faint for real from the love for her that is coursing through my blood.  I understand now, why the fans go so crazy.  This must be how they feel about me and the boys.  I suddenly pity them.  It must be hell to feel this kind of love and not have it be reciprocated.  

"What was that about?" Perrie says. 

"He's just a child" Maya says and hobbles past me.  Perrie still look confused, but I don't say anything.  I just stand up. 

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