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"Uhh Maya" Harry's deep raspy voice wakes me. My cheeks feel tight, probably due to the salty stains that cover them. 

"Hmm?" I groan without moving from his grip.

"Uhh" He shifts slightly "My arms asleep" he says trying to pull his arm out from under me. I roll off of it onto the other side of the bed.

"Sorry" I say staring at him over the pillow. 

"Stop apologizing" he says smiling.  He is so damn cute in the moring. Shit, what time is it?

"Okay sorry. What time is it?" He glares at me but I don't know why. 

"What?" I ask defensively. 

"You just said sorry again. I dare you to go the whole day without apologizing for anything" he smirks. 

"Ok fine, so what time is it?" 

"Who cares, come back over here and cuddle" 

"I don't want to make your arm fall asleep again" I say not moving from my spot on the far side of the bed. 

"Okay, then you be big spoon" he says and flips onto his other side while patting the bed directly behind him. I scoot over and fit my body around his. God he's so warm. Wow, I've never been big spoon before. It feels weird. He reaches behind him to grab my arm and pulls it over him across his chest, just like he does when he is big spoon. I bury my face into his warm back and take a deep breath. He smells so good.  His heavy, steady breathing indicates he fell asleep quite quickly, but I can't. I really want to know what time it is... And with that my phone vibrates on the table by the bed. I slowly slide my hand out from Harry's grip and roll off the bed. I grab my phone and head towards the door so I don't wake him. 

"Hey Jer" I answer

"Hey, you ok? I talked to Harry last night and he said you had run off, you ok now?" 

"Yeah, he's here now. I'm ok, sorry he brought you into it" shit, I just said sorry.  It doesn't count since it wasn't to Harry right?

"Ok good, he really cares about you, I know it's not my place to say anything but... he seemed like he didn't know anything about... well you know."

"I told him everything last night" I say dully. As good as it felt to get all that off my chest, it still feels weird to not have all my secrets to myself anymore. At least I still have a couple. 

"Ok good, it's about time you start opening up. Anyways, I just wanted to make sure you were ok, we'll get through this. We just have to stick together.  Dad just wants to be happy, we should try to be happy for him"

"Yeah I know, I am happy for him" I say half-convincing. 

"Ok, I have to go to work. Lets talk again soon ok?"

"Okay, bye Jer." I hang up and move back to the bed where Harry is sitting up staring at me. 

"Uh, we have to go. Like now. I didn't realize it was already 10, we have soundcheck in half an hour..." I just nod and grab my few belongings that I brought to the hotel when I left the venue last night. 

*back at the venue, Harry's P.O.V.*

As we walk throught he venue hand in hand, everyone is staring at us trying to gauge the situation. Jesus don't they know that she hates sympathy? I want to punch them all in the face for giving us such pathetic looks. I can hear the commotion from the dressing room from down the hall but as soon as I open the door there is silence. Everyone just freezes and stares. Fucking idiots.  I can feel Maya tense beside me so I sqeeze her hand tighter. 

"Don't we have a job to do?" I ask and make my way through the boys to the food table, not letting go of Maya's hand.  Everyone looks at me confused. I grab 2 bananas, handing one to Maya. I know she must be hungry. She gladly accepts it and tries to release my hand so she can peel it. I am reluctant to let go, but I do so that we can both eat.  

*Maya's P.O.V.* 

Wow, I didn't realize how hungry I was until Harry put the banana in my hand. There's some weird tension in the room right now.  God I'm so embarassed by last night. I wish Perrie was in here. I wonder where she is. 

"Well, don't we have a soundcheck to get ready for?" Harry says cheerfully but everyone else looks confused. 

"No, that's at two" Niall says. 

"Nope, Paul just texted me saying it's now. Come on" Harry says but the boys still seem confused. I throw out my banana peel and scan the food table for what else to eat.  

"Zayn isn't even here yet" Liam announces.

"Maya would you mind going to the bus to get Zayn?" Harry asks flashing me a smile. I feel kind of weird leaving. I'm afraid he's going to tell them what happened last night. 

"Uh, ok" I say and head to the door. 

"Wait!" Niall yells quite loudly "Maya" he continues, voice much quieter now "I know you don't want to talk about it, but we just want to know that you're ok" God Niall is too sweet. 

"Thanks Niall, I'm okay now. Nothing to worry about." I smile and look to Harry. He made me ok. 

"Ok good, because we all care about you. Seriously, you're one of us. If you ever need anything, we're here for you"  Niall says with his cute little smile.  I can't even begin to explain how safe I feel around this group of people. 

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.  And I'm here for you too if you ever need me, now i'll go get Zayn" I say and head to tthe bus. 

I wake up Perrie first, and make her wake Zayn up, I know he is nearly impossible to wake up. 

"But sound check was supposed to be at 2" Zayn groans. 

"Well they changed it" I tell him and he finally gets up. 

"Hey Maya, why don't we go shopping while the boys do their work" She says after checking her phone. 

"Uh, ok, I need to shower and change though. Wash the pathetic off first" I laugh but she doesn't.

"Oh stop it, you're not pathetic, ok, you go shower, we'll meet you in the dressing room." she says and I leave them to get ready. 

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