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*Harry's P.O.V. on New Years Eve*

We sit eating our cereal rather quietly.  She doesn't like talking in the morning until she's fully awake. I've learned that the hard way. 

"What are you staring at?" She finally says. 

"you" I say and she tries to hide her smile. 

"Well stop it, I'm trying to eat here." she says and takes the last few bites of her cereal. "Ok, I'm done now, you can continue staring" we both laugh and I put our bowls in the dishwasher. 

"I asked Zayn what we should bring tonight and he said we can be in charge of desserts." 

"Ok, so do we need to go to the store?" She asks.

"Yeah, I was thinking we could bake some cupcakes and cookies and maybe some brownies." I look over to her sitting at the table.  She looks sad...

"You can. I'm not very good at baking" she says without looking at me. 

"I can teach you, it's not that ha--"

"No" she cuts me off harshly "you should just do it" what the hell? Why is she acting like this all of a sudden? 

*Maya's P.O.V.* 

Harry opens the fridge and pulls out a carton of milk.  

"No, I'll just buy pre-made desserts from the store" he says and he drops the cap of the milk on the floor.  I feel bad, I know he likes baking, there's just no way I'm doing it with him.  As he bends down to pick up the cap, the little padlock charm falls out of his shirt and dangles from his neck down by the floor.  He grabs the cap and stands back up.  I notice him staring at me and I realize I was staring at his chest, while gripping my key charm in my hand.  I quickly let go and look away.  Harry places his glass of milk back on the counter and walks over. 

"Maya...?" He says, his bright green eyes searching mine for answers. 

"okay" I sigh "let's go to the couch" He pushes me to the couch and I hold my necklace. 

We both sit on the couch, turned so we're looking at eachother. He takes his necklace off. 

"I want you to physically open it before you say anything." He holds it out to me and my shaky hands manage to take mine off.  I slide the key into the lock and twist it so the lock pops open.  He places the charms in my hand and gently closes my fingers around them. He then takes both of his hands and wraps them around mine. 

"It's stupid really" I finally say.

"I'm sure it's not stupid at all" he says.  Ok here it goes.  I need to get better at communicating with him. 

"Ok, so my mom had a bakery since before my brother was born." He gives me a reassuring nod and I take a deep breath and continue. 

"She took me there ever since I was a baby and pretty much since I could stand, I was helping out in the bakery.  Everyone in town knew her and loved her and her baked goods.  Since kindergarten, my bus would drop me off there after school and we would bake together pretty much everyday.  It was our thing." He squeezes my hand between his. 

"When she got sick and had to stop working, I told her I wanted to take over the shop.  But being so young and still in school, I obviously couldn't.  I tried to bake for her once when she was bedridden, but it just wasn't the same.  I don't know... its dumb, but it's just like-- like I baked so many times with her that when I tried doing it without her, it didn't even feel like baking.  It wasn't fun, it was just like a chore." 

"What was the bakery called?" He asks

"Pattycakes. Her name was Patty" I say and he smiles. 

"That's really cute" I nod. That bakery was my favorite place in the world.  I wriggle my fist out of his hands and lock the padlock and remove my key. 

"Thanks Harry" I say and he gives me a gentle kiss on the forehead. 

"No, thank you" It's weird that he's thanking me, but I know he really likes it when I actually open up to him.  

"I think you should still bake.  All the stuff you made me during my finals were delicious." I tell him and he smiles again. 

"Ok, I will.  You can just sit there and look pretty" 

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