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"Come on! It's Christmas morning! Get your cute little butt out of bed!" Harry actually sounds like a six year old boy right now.  

"Ok, give me a second, I need to get dressed" I groan as I pull the covers off. It was cold last night so I borrowed a pair of his flannel pj pants and am wearing a longsleeve t-shirt. 

"Not in this house, we always wear pajamas to open our gifts" He says and throws me my bra that was laying on the floor. "Just put this on and you're fine"  He's also wearing flannel plaid pj bottoms, his are red and black, and the ones I'm wearing are red and green.

"But I look ridiculous!" I say climbing out of bed.  he looks me up and down and then falls to the floor. 

"You look so good you made me faint!" I can't believe he is still doing this.  You would think its getting old, but I secretly love it. 

"Ok let me at least brush my teeth and wash my face" I say while sliding the bra on under my shirt. He sighs comes over to help me into the bathroom.  Since his room is on the second floor, he has just been carrying me up the stairs, and then when I need to move around he helps me.  I can stand fine, but since my left leg is in a cast that is bent at the knee, it's hard to move around.  He wraps his arm around my waist, being careful of the fractured ribs that have been feeling much better lately, and helps me hobble to the bathroom.  Once I'm done he carries me bridal style down the stairs.  I still feel weird about him having to carry me all the time, but he seems to enjoy it. I'm actually really nervous seeing everyone around the presents.  What if they don't like mine? What if Harry doesn't like his?! 

"Okay, everyone take one of theirs!" We all have out own piles and mine is much bigger than I expected.  Did they all get me presents? Harry grabs one for me so I don't have to get off of the couch. 

We exchange gifts, I recieved a bracelet and earings from Anne and Robin and a pretty dress from Gemma.  They opened mine and seemed really happy with them so that's good.  They obviously have more presents for eachother than for me so I watch as they open them.   Harry got Robin a really nice watch, Anne a beautiful gold bracelet, and Gemma diamond earings.  They all look so expensive, I hope he didn't spend that much on me... 

"Ok, now the lovers' turn!" Gemma says looking at us. Harry picks up the sweater that is wrapped in green paper.  He opens it and holds it up. 

"It's perfect, thanks you" he says and gives me a kiss.  "Your turn" he hands me a little package with a card attatched. 

"You think I only got you a sweater?!" I say and he looks confused. "Your real present is in the garage" 

"What? This is a real present! And I love it!" He says holding the sweater to his chest. 

"Ok, fine, if you don't want the other thing..." I say and can see Anne trying to hide a smile.  

"Just open yours first, then I'll go get mine" I tear the paper open and a small box is revealed.  There are two necklaces inside.  One has a small padlock on it, and the other has a small key.  They're simple, but beautiful. 

"I love it" I say and look to Harry.

"You have to read the card" He says and shoves the card into my hands. There's something else in the card.  A cd? I put the cd down and read the card. 

I know it's cheesy, but here's what I was thinking.  You take the key and I take the lock.  When you're ready to unlock one of your little secrets, you let me know.  After you tell me, we lock the padlock again and you get the key back.  That way you know your secrets are safe with me.  I love you Maya, more than I thought possible, I just want you to be able to open up to me.  But only when you're ready. The cd is to listen to later, I wrote the song myself for you.  I love you.  Merry Christmas. 

Don't Let Me Go (Harry Styles fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant