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I can't believe it's finally here.  I finally get to see him again.  I spent my spring break on tour with them in Europe and he came to visit me for a weekend once.  Tomorrow is the first show of the American leg of the tour. They get in late tonight and I fly to them tomorrow morning. 

"Hey, I didn't wake you did I?" Harry asks quietly through the phone. 

"No, I can't sleep" 

"That excited to see me huh?" 

"Don't be cocky." I tease "So I take it you made it to the US?" 

"Yeah" he practically whispers.

"Why are you talking so quietly?" 

"Everyone else is asleep" 

"Ok, then you should be too. See you tomorrow" 

"Ok, goodnight, love you, I can't wait to see you!" 

"Same, love you" we hang up and I put my head back on the pillow.  I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight.  My emotions are too jumbled.  Of course I'm happy I get to see Harry tomorrow, but I can't ignore what's really going on.  

I am woken by my phone ringing.  I guess I got a little sleep... I lift my phone to shut off my alarm only to realize that its actually a phone call... from my dad?

"Hello?" I answer clearing my throat.  I haven't talked to him in weeks. But I guess it makes sense that he'd call me today.  

"Hi Maya, I have something I want to tell you" he sounds excited, but why? 

"Uh, ok" 

"Alice and I are getting married!"  WHAT THE FUCK

"what?" I finally manage to say.

"Yeah! I proposed this morning and she said yes! Hang on... here, congradulate my beautiful fiance" He says all too cheerily. No, fuck no. 

"I have to go to class." I say quickly and hang up. Is he joking? I actually think I might throw up. I mean Alice is really nice and all but just... what the hell? Why today?! I lay in bed sick to my stomach until my alarm goes off.  I manage to pull myself up and get all my stuff together before heading out the door. While waiting at the airport gate my phone rings again. 

"Hello" I answer when I see that it's just Jeremy. 

"Hi, uh, have you talked to dad today?" He says, his voice clearly shaky. 

"Yeah... I don't understand" I say slowly as my flight starts boarding. 

"you ok?" 

"Yeah, listen, I'm about to get on my flight to go see Harry, can we talk later?"

"Yeah of course, have a good time"

"I'll try my best" I say and suddenly I realize that Harry will easily notice that something isn't right. 

"Ok, I love you sis, I know I don't say it much, but I do. Have a safe flight." I almost choke up from his sincerity. Yeah we get along and stuff but, we never really talk about our feelings or anything. 

"Thanks, I love you too Jeremy. It'll all be ok.  I'll talk to you later." we hang up as I find my seat and plop down. I quickly text Harry to let him know I'm on the plane before shutting off my phone. 

When we finally land I turn on my phone and answer Harry's text asking if I've landed.  

"Uh miss? I don't think I can get through there" the cab driver says snapping me out of my spaced out state. I hadn't even noticed the massive crowd of fans outside the gates. 

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